Chapter 20: No no no no Esmée!

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Adela was in her kitchen making dinner for her Esmée and Essie was upstairs drawing a new dress. She wouldn't tell Adela what she was dress she was sketching, she wouldn't even show it to her. Adela was chopping cucumbers when her phone rang, she checked the ID it said Dad. 

ADELA: Hey dad.

ELIJAH: Adelina when did you see Esmée last.

ADELA: Wow no hello sweetheart.          

ELIJAH: Finn died and his sire line along with him. [Adela dropped the phone on the floor]

[She sped upstairs to Esmée lying dead on the floor. Adela dropped next to her body and hugged her body, she started crying.]

ADELA: No no no no Esmée, no please don't leave me, Essie. 

[She looked over to see the sketch Essie wouldn't show her it was a wedding dress sketch. Tear drops started dropping on the paper. She screamed so loud the entire mansion shock. Elijah ran into the mansion to see Adela. He found her on the floor balling her eyes out. He was shocked he saw Essie's corpse. Adela turned her head to him.]

ADELA: She's dead dad. [He ran over to her and hugged him.] She's dead!

[Elijah didn't know what to say he just kept hugging her and stroking her hair in a comforting way, trying to calm her. Elijah always like Esmée everyone always like Essie.] 

[A couple weeks later, Adela had changed sense Essie's death. She was quiet less quick to talk and blunt. Instead of wearing her hair down and curled, she wore it up in a tight bun, instead of tight jeans and crop tops she wore paper bag pants tanks tops and cropped blazers. But still wearing her very high heels. She was a complete and utter mess for the first week and then she pushed her feeling way, way down. Then someone pissed her off and she accidently lit a forest of fire. Elijah was deeply worried about his daughter.]                                 

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