Chapter 04 || Gorgeous but dangerous

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There's too much pain to come

Don't cry mercy



The rest of the week was uneventful.

Rose would spend fifteen minutes in lunch with the elites, which would be full of cautious yet calculative statements from Montgomery and provocative and venomous jabs from Layla, with Alexis trying to maintain peace.

Rose and Ian don't acknowledge each other in school, both trying to find some form of evidence; but he would spend the afternoons with her.

The rumor hill was starting to die out because of lack of action, which they had expected on return of Rose.

And they still hadn't found anyone who could give them a clue or help them.

"Any ideas about another plan?" Ian asked while scrolling through his phone.

It was Friday and the day of first party of the year. Rose had put on a face mask to get ready for tonight and they were discussing their plans.

She was thinking about tonight's party. Tonight the people from other schools would know that she is back. Tonight, she had to look absolutely stunning and she was going to show that she is not here to be the good golden girl. Tonight, she had to be the highlight of the party. 

Thinking of the party she came upon an idea.

"What if you get close to Layla?" She asks him.

"What do you mean?" he asks her confused. 

"What if you try and get together with her? That way you might find a secret or two."

"You mean become her fake boytoy of the week?" He asks, thinking about it.

"Yes, I mean its better than to go according to our current rate."

"It could actually work but then I'll come in people's radar."

"Anyways we aren't achieving anything that way either." She points out.

She continued, "Show some interest in getting high and drugs, maybe she might help you find where she gets it from and then we can find further. I mean only if you are comfortable."

" I don't have any problem but are you sure if I'm even someone she would be interested in?

"Don't you worry about it I'm gonna make you look completely irresistible." She winked.

After five hours of effort, she was ready. The party wasn't going to be like some normal college party with people drinking red solo cups; but here only selected people would be invited, people of money and power. Since Ian was the heir of Night Industries, he was already on the list.

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