Chapter 28 || Blood and Glory

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 I could keep the world balanced on my nose

If I'm waitin', it's on my throne

~What's up danger


But just as the pen was about to touch the paper, a gunshot was heard.

"Cazzo!" Montgomery cursed in front of her. He got up and readying his gun which was strapped in his waistband and ran out of the room, Chris and his men following him. One of them waited behind, immediately arming the gun and aiming it at her. [Fuck!]

She immediately dropped the pen, looking around to know what happened. She stood still, afraid that at the slightest movement, he'll shoot her. But suddenly his head whipped to the side and a loud pang echoed.

Behind him stood Alexis, a baton in her hand. She shouted at Rose to do something but Rose was stunned frozen. Realizing that, Alexis carried the baby towards rose before yelling at her to hide. 

When Isa was thrusted in her arms, she snapped out of the trance. She instantly cradled Isa in her arms and rushed out of the doors. Only to find the hallways full of Montgomery's men. They instantly turned to her so she rushed back in the room, locking the door behind her.

Now it was just her, Isa, Alexis who she wasn't sure about, Layla who was her sworn enemy and a knocked out gang member. 


Outside Ian was armed with two guns and knives strapped under his sleeves. Verena stood beside him awaiting his signal while Mark and Luca had taken the side and back. Landon was in a jeep parked down the road as he hacked into the CCTV cameras to find Rose and Isa.

"The three top to floor windows on second floor. That's where she is along with Isa. Montgomery and his men are in the hallways and some of his men are headed towards the terrace. A few of them are headed toward the main doors. Hurry!" Landon's voice informed through his earpiece.

Verena heard the information as well and Ian instructed all of them, "Mark distract them and Luca cover Mark's team. Vera and me are entering through side windows. Landon cover everyone."

The first gunshot was heard and Ian sent one of his men to open the window on first floor. As soon as he signaled that it was safe, they quickly climbed into the room. A few more gunshots followed, and two of Ian's men checked the outside hallway.

Two simultaneous gunshots were heard and the rest of them quickly exited. They roamed the floor before they came on to the staircase. Quickly but silently they climbed up the stairs as few stayed behind and them covered them. Ian peeked behind the wall and he saw that Chris along with a few men were guarding the door leading to Rose. Deciding on a formation, all of them charged at the men guarding, Ian directly heading for Chris. Ian had always wanted to give Chris a good repeat of what happened last time since he saw all those contracts and room full of Rose's photos.

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