Chapter 31 || Another Broken Life

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After four hours of retelling and recounting stories and events, Rose laid on the sofa and rested her head against the headrest, and stared up at the ceiling. Rose had been a bit nervous about her mother's reaction but the fire she saw in her mother's eyes when she told her about Chris' attack assured her that her mother isn't going to let anyone away with what they had done. Even though her mother and she didn't have the best relationship but still they loved each other very much. And these people had messed with her daughter, there was no way she was letting them get away without a few burns and scars.

While she was telling her parents the whole story she thought about one thing that she hadn't thought about in a long while. Where had it all gone wrong?

Alexis, herself and, Adrian had gone to high school together while Alexis had been with her since before they even went to school. Alexis and Rose used to be joined at the hip, while Adrian was cold but at least to them, he used to be warm. There were days when the three of them had spent the entire day going around the town, laughing, having adventure, and enjoying. So where had all gone so wrong that they hated each other's guts now?

They had met Layla and Chris in college and even if they were never the best of friends, they had spent hours together trying the costliest things on market or attending the high-class parties. There had been some amiable moments between them as a group in the first year of college. Second year was when all went down.

Alexis stumbled out of the bathroom stall giggling in a high pitched voice as they laughed at something Layla informed them of. Layla had always loved gossip and right now she was telling about this girl a year up than them who found her boyfriend was cheating on her with another guy. And in revenge she slept with guy too.

"Just dumbasses," Lexi giggled, "damn the guy must be considering himself lucky." The three stood in front of large mirror, all of them buzzed and retouched their makeup. A party was going on on the floor below, where they had ended up drunk, and muffled music could be heard in the bathroom too.

They exited the washroom, still giggling amongst themselves and joined the guys who were talking to other boys. Rose quickly whispered the plan for the night which they had finalized inside the washroom, to Adrian. They soon excused themselves and boarded Chris' jeep.

As the jeep drove through the town, the girls stood up; singing the song playing on the radio at at the top of their lungs, their hair flying with the wind and partying their heart out as they shared a bottle of wine between them. The jeep stopped in front of a rundown building and they climbed to the top of it. The place was nothing special but the air was clearer here and it looked over the valley and nobody came here. This was their group's favorite spot; there was a torn and battered but clean sofa and two bean bags.

Lexi and Rose quickly jumped on the sofa, both giggling when their bodies clashed, their faces flushed a light pink. Layla roughly shoved Lexi to one side but even then she had a smile on her face. Chris and Adrian made themselves comfortable on the bean bags.

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