Chapter 30 || Memories

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But you've seen me bare

You've seen me covered up



Rose woke up to Isa's soft cries and she quickly pulled Isa in her arms and started swaying her, trying to quieten her. She walked towards the window of her room and gazed out at the tiny village which was fast asleep at this hour. The moonlight crept in through the room and rose's soft voice filled the room as she sang the lullaby her mother sang for her every time rose wouldn't sleep. The same lullaby her mother had sung for her the night after Rose gave birth to Isa and couldn't sleep.

It had been a day after the events and they had returned to Engelberg. Drake was currently in a room downstairs with a nurse to help him recover. That is if Vera allows gives her the chance. Some of the energy and color had returned to Isa but even though she was a child and couldn't have understood what had happened, Isa hadn't stayed away from Rose even for a minute. She cried every time anyone tried to take her in their arms and even in sleep, Isa wanted to be close to her. Valentina had gone ballistic when she saw Isa's condition and she would have killed Montgomery with her bare hands if he would have been present. 

She remembers the conversation she had with Drake when she went to visit him.

She pushes the door open and Drake lay on the bed, his platinum hair lying flatly against his forehead and a big bandage covering his torso. Vera sat beside him, her hand tightly intertwined with his but on his nod, she left the room. Rose steps in, standing by the foot of his bed and she has no idea how to begin to thank him.

"How are you feeling?" Rose asks and Drake chuckles lightly, "I'm okay, Rose. You don't have to feel guilty."

"But I owe you my life to you. If something had happened to Isa or Ian-"

"Rose, you owe me nothing. I had owed something to Adonis too, consider this as me settling favors." Drake said, his tone firm, "But if you still feel guilty, do one thing and talk to Ian."

"I never meant what I said," Rose says quietly.

"I know that but he doesn't. Talk." 

Rose saw Ian standing down on the grounds with Landon, surrounded by his gang members. It seemed that his gang had finally started respecting him and Landon and Ian were quite on better terms than before. Rose gazed at him as he ordered his men and as they planned their further moves. She watched him stand in front of them with much more confidence and authority than before and her heart swelled with pride. 

They hadn't talked about her scathing words from before and she had come to conclusion. What she said was absolutely wrong and she knew that the moment they had left her mouth and she wanted to apologize to him so bad, to tell him that she would never in a million years mean them. But she wanted to apologize properly. She wanted all the after-effects of the storm to settle down. She wanted everything to settle down and then apologize and explain her side to him.

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