Chapter 26 || Night Wolves

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We were running still

Had the whole world at our feet



Ian stepped out the car followed by Landon. In front of them stood a rundown warehouse, whose doors were guarded by two buff men. As soon as they neared, they bowed down as a sign of respect. They quickly opened the doors and the two men walked through the doors and climbed up the stairs. There they typed a passcode and the door opened leading them through a long hallway. 

For any oblivious man, the warehouse would look like a closed off factory and even if he decides to investigate the building, he would find the second floor in similar state. The passcode was given only to those who were in the gang and it was changed every week. 

At the end of hall, Ian pushed open a door and descended the long set of stairs while preparing a gun. At some floor, he broke out into another set of hallways, only this time it had rooms which resembled jail. Ian entered one of them and in front of him sat a thoroughly beaten man. His face was beaten beyond recognition and blood dropped from his nose and mouth. He was tied to a chair and when he saw Ian, he grinned at him showing his set of bloody teeth. Antonio was the most operational member of Bloodhounds and probably their third in command. He dealt with drugs and trafficking. 

Ian gave him no reaction and instead crouched down to his eye level, "Voglio farlo rapidamente. Quindi risparmia a entrambi un po' di sforzi e dimmi chi guida i segugi?" [I want to get this done quickly. So save both of us some efforts and tell me who leads bloodhounds?

The man spat blood at Ian's shoes and mocked him, "Non sapevo che si lasciassero guidare da un bambino." [Didn't know they let a kid lead themselves.]

Ian sighed, "Avresti potuto salvare entrambi un po' di tempo." [You could have saved both of us some time].

Then he signaled something and Landon brought in a twenty or so aged lady. The man was surprised for a second but quickly covered up his emotions but Ian had caught on.

"Non pensavamo che saremmo riusciti a trovarla, eh? Ora, è carina, quindi sarebbe davvero brutto se il suo cervello venisse schizzato sul pavimento stasera, non è vero?" Ian mocked the man, a monstrous glint in his eyes, "Allora chi guida i segugi?" [You didn't think we would find her, huh? Now, she's pretty so it would be a waste if her brains are splattered on the floor, don't you think?] [So who leads the BloodHounds?]

Antonio sneered at Ian, "Credi che te lo dirò a causa di una ragazza? Uccidila e vedi se sussulto." [Do you think I'm gonna tell you because of a girl? Kill her and see if I flinch.]

"Davvero non avrebbe dovuto prendermi in giro." With that, Ian shot the girl's foot and she screamed out in pain but Landon held her straight. [You really shouldn't have mocked me.]

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