Chapter 27 || Agony

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With flowers and my love

Both never to come back

~ Paint it black.


Rose descended from the helicopter and a man guided her to the black car which was waiting for her. The whole journey she tried to come up with a plan, thinking of the many possibilities to trick Adrian and escaping him. Her phone was immediately taken by the man and she had no way to call for help, not that she had anyone to call.

The car drove through twists and turns as it climbed the mountains, and the small town behind her grew smaller and smaller. She had just caught the name of the town on one of the shops and she figured she was in San Lorenzo. But they drove farther away from the town and she figured that they were going to wherever Isa was.

 As they drove the forest grew thicker and thicker and at some point, the canopy was so lush that it appeared that it was still night. But suddenly they broke out of the forests and in front of her stood a grand black mansion. 

The mansion was was completely black and the silver windows stood against the background starkly. The mansion almost blended with the darkness surrounding it. The place made Rose even more anxious and fear blossomed in her heart. The mansion had an eerie glow about it and had a dangerous aura around it.

The car came to a still and she got out. Another man took over now and Rose had a feeling to run away and hide in the car. Her grip tightened in the bag as her dad's words came to her mind. 

"Presumono chi sei in base a ciò che mostri loro, se mostri loro che sei un agnello ti daranno la caccia, ma se mostri loro che sei una tigre si rannicchieranno davanti a te."

[They assume who you are based on what you show them, if you show them you are a lamb they will hunt you down but if you show them you are a lioness they will fucking cower in front of you.]

She steeled her face to be blank and forced her body to release some stiffness. She straightened up and her gaze became cold. She forced herself to appear fearless, as though she was here just for a deal. But inside, her heart was terrified. Terrified of what might happen. 

Her mind was alert and observative and she surveyed her surroundings memorizing the turns she took and the hallways she walked down. The interior of the house was also dark, with the house using only shades of dark brown, black and dark gray. 

She was led into a room that looked like the seating room. There was a table around which were sofas arranged. Montgomery sat in front of her, wearing a black suit. His one leg was crossed over the other and he leaned back, a glass of whiskey in his hand. He wore a sinister smug smile as he stood up and stalked up to Rose.

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