Illumi or Hisoka?

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You look at him with a a frightened look at your face, "Why do you keep trying to find me? You were going to sacrifice me in the mission." You explain. Illumi walks closer towards you, and sits on your bed, "I had no control over that mission, Father had planned it for us."

You look at him and think to yourself, "well dad would do something like that.." you bring your self towards Illumi and pull him into a tight hug, you've missed your siblings a lot, Hisoka may be a nice man, but he isn't your brother. Illumi hugs you back, making you warm and happy. Your eyes tear up, but you quickly rub your eyes to get rid of it.

"Y/n, we need you back, we do miss you, especially Killua, if you end up coming home, you don't even have to ever look or speak to me again, as long as you and Killua re unite I'll be fine." Illumi says. You take a long pause, but your thoughts are nterrupted by Illumi, "Plus, how could you put so much trust into Hisoka, you have only just met him. Oh and, I saw you fight last night, it was very impressive, so before you make a choice to go home or not, go out there and win your final fight Y/n, Killua is rooting for you at home."

You give a small smile and tell Illumi, "Well, I might aswell come home, but im going to get hit by Milluki, although if I have to get injured in order to see my other siblings, I'll do it." Illumi gives you a head pat and calmly walks away saying, "I'll be leaving now, oh and, if milluki lays even a finger on you, I'll cut his fingers off Y/n." You sit on you bed and sigh, you lay your head on your pillow and your phone starts to blow up with messages, they're from Killua and Mother.

It's quite rare to get messages from mother, but you decide to talk to Killua first, "Is it true your coming home? Illumi said you will be coming back, me, Alluka and Gon really miss you Y/n", you smile and text him, "Yes I'll be coming back home, but I have a fight to win tomorrow, I'll be returning after I fight, ok! Oh and I miss you guys lots aswell, and I'd love to meet Gon, he's seems like a genuine friend Killua!" Killua likes your message and you tell him, "Anyways, I'm going to bet now, goodnight <3" Killua replies to you message with good night, and the two of you sleep.

You wake up and get ready for your fight, you put on your most comfortable active wear on. You get your self calm, and look at the screen to see your final competitor. It's a tall slender lady, with glowing green eyes, and wavy hair, she has pale skin, and looks like she hasn't blinked in years. She stares at you with a cold expression as you walk onto the ring.

She release her nen, and you release yours at the referees whistle. Your aura streams around your body, as you unravel your hand, revealing your umbrella, you frantically move behind her, stunning her with your skills. She quickly backs away, as she looks behind, you aim your umbrella at her, making the point of your umbrella with a blazing flame, and quickly aim it at her chest, with a strong push, you pierce her heart fatally. You quickly run up to her falling corpse, and kick her head, decapitating her totally. You win the round straight away, amazing the crowd. You sigh in relief, knowing that you won't be late to see your family.

Although now you have to plan on what your telling Hisoka, as you can't just disappear, and you doubt your family will ever let you meet Hisoka again. You decide that you can leave a long letter to Hisoka, written in ink, you don't have Hisokas number, so you can't message him it.

You sit in the bed Hisoka left for you to use after rinsing yourself, and write in your note book a letter saying, "Hello Hisoka, I have decided to return back home, after talking to Illumi, I realised I shouldn't have been so quick to betray family, I am very thankful for the fun experiences I have had with you, and I plan on fighting you when I reach a point of strength that I think will be up to your standard, but most importantly, it will be when I'm up to my own standards. I plan on meeting you some other time, but not any time soon. I wish you the best- Y/n" .

You place the note on the bedside table, and put a m piece of bungee gum besides it. You pack your clothes and walk out of the arena, with a stacks of money in your small bag. You decide to buy some gifts for your siblings before you return, you walk over to a shop and buy a carton of chocolate robots for Killua, a bunch of plushies for Kalluto, Barbie dolls for Alluka with a barbie dream house, you get a manga set and video games for Milluki, and you get hair products, candles and chocolates for Illumi. You also buy wine for your Mother Kikyo.

You walk over to the Zoldyck mansion with your hands full of presents. One of the useless assistants quickly open the door for you. You take a step in, and immediately come face to face with Kalluto. He takes a look at you and quickly runs up to hug you, and squeezes you tightly, you gasp for air as he looks at you with tears, telling you "Y/n! I missed you so much. The house has been so boring without you, I'm glad your back, and I'm so sorry for the argument we had". Kalluto wipes away his tears, and quickly yells for Killua. "Killua!! Y/n's back!".

You hear plenty on footsteps, and see your mother, Killua, Alluka and Zeno. You run up to Killua and Alluka, immediately dropping the bags for a group hug. You pull back from the hug and your eye catches illumi looking at you. You walk over to Illumi and he immediately pulls you into a hug.

After hugging for a couple of minutes you pull back and look over at everyone, "We saw your fight at heavens arena, it was very impressive, well done." Grandpa Zeno says. You look over at him and give him a nod whilst saying, thank you. "Oh I almost forgot, I got you guys some gifts." Their eyes widen, as they have never been gifted before, and you beckon them over, and you hand them the gifts, as they circle you.

Kalluto opens his gift first, and is quick to say "Thank you", as he hugs his plushies. You then give Alluka her present, and her face brightens with joy, giving you kisses and hugs, and you give her head pats in return. Handing Killua his present, you already knew his reaction. He gives you a hug straight away thanking you for the chocolate robots. You scoot over to Milluki after freeing yourself from Killuas grasp. You give Milluki his manga set and video games, and a smile appears on a face, which is quite rare as he's usually is moaning and being annoying. You look over to Illumi, and he asks you, "Y/n, is there anything for me?" He says in a teasing tone, you exclaim, "Of course!" Handing him his hair products, candles and chocolate, he giggles and gives you a head pat.

"Oh I should probably give Mother her gift, but I'm probably going to be put in the cellar. Good night!" You say. They all tell you good night, and frantically head back to their rooms. You walk over to mothers room, your heart is beating to fast you can hear it, you knock on her door and wait for a response, "...Come in!" Someone yells. You open the door and you and your mother make eye contact.

She runs over to you straight away holding you in a hug. "Y/n! I was mortified when I heard you got kidnapped! You need to be more careful! Although, I heard you let your self to be kidnapped, now that isn't allowed Y/n, and you well enough that your going to have to be punished for your actions, so when you leave, your going to the cellar." Mother says, as she pulls you away.

"I figured. I will go after I leave, but I got you your favourite wine with the money I earned from Heavens Arena." You look at mother and her facial expression changes, "Oh.. thank you darling." She says, you have never seen her to soft, it's almost as if your dreaming. You place the wine on her night stand, and make your way to the cellar for a night of torture.

A couple hours after being beat:

"Well your mother says that your time had been cut short, but you must go straight to your room and in bed, ok." The random man says. You nod you head, wiping the blood off your neck, and leave the cellar, making your way to your room on a limp. You jump in the shower and wash if your body, in pain from all of the deep cuts and wounds having the shampoo enter and burn your skin. You rinse out the conditioner in your hair and make your way to your bed after drying your hair.

You put your Pyjamas on, but a white envelope catches your eye, you walk over to it and look at where it's coming from, "Hisoka Amouro..."





Y/N Zoldyck/ TW: Abuse, GoreWhere stories live. Discover now