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You feel dizzy, slowly gaining conscientiousness, you lift your head, trying to figure out where you are, how you got here, and why you feel so weak.

As you begin to question your surroundings, you feel sharp pains around your body. You look down to see blood, everywhere.

Your covered in cuts, tied up to a large metal beam attached to the roof. You try and tug your way out, but suddenly feel powerless . Immense weaknesses hits you, it's indescribable. You have always been strong, so this feeling comes off as unnatural.

You yell, hoping someone will hear, yet instead see a tall figure come towards you, whilst also beckoning his companions as well.

He's skinny, quite hideous, and has a smirk drawn across his face.
"One down, four more to go" he chuckles lightly.

You think, four more? They must not know about Alluka, I guess they don't know much.

He gently caresses your face, whispering to you, "Your worth so much money, I can't even describe the fortune you'll accumulate.."
he brushes his fingers through your hair with his withered, dry fingers . You quickly bite his hand, causing his pointer and middle finger to rip off.

He shrieks in pain, quickly backing away, spiting to his members, "The little cunt bit two of my fucking fingers off?!"

The group rush towards you, and two members begin to beat you black and blue. The other three are holding your legs down, to prevent any kicks or possible attacks to the two men attacking you. They pull out your hands and immediately chop your fingers off with a kitchen knife, and even though your trained to endure pain like this, your current weak state of body counteracted it.

You beg for them to stop, lightly tearing up. You think to yourself, how annoying it must be for Illumi, not only does he have the burden of not saving Killua, but also losing you.. he may not show it oftenly, but he's definitely stressed.

You sit in silence, and the men begin to pierce your skin with needles and pins, they begin interrogating you, ripping every toe nail off per question answered unfavourably (sorry you only have your toes left, they cut your fingers off xx)

You open your eyes, seeing a man now holding a heated branding iron, do they seriously think you're an object?! You grasp your eyes together whilst they begin to imprint your skin with their logo, leaving the room with a lingering smell of your burnt flesh. They imprint your chest, nape, and forehead with their disgusting logo.

He reaches for your hand but suddenly,


His head slides off, leaving his lifeless body to hit the ground, you look around and see.. Hisoka?

"'My, Illumi won't be happy now, will he?" He smirks. He pulls out his phone and begins to write something. You feel rage, but not your rage, somebody else's, it's so vengeful, and malicious, an anger that would turn someone insane, it curdles your blood.

You turn your head, and you see an ominous purple aura, strong enough to make any normal human shit bricks. It's Illumi. Yet he's laughing..?

He charges towards the group of men instantly with his needles, paralysing them all, just to free you.

Chrollo rushes over to help you out, whilst Hisoka stays away and observes. You and Chrollo begin to pull out all the needles and pins out of your body. Illumi comes over, enraged, wiping blood of your face.

"They must know who I am. They were mocking me." Illumi states.

Chrollo brushes his hands over you and announces, "She needs to be bandaged up, her wounds are deep and she's losing blood as we speak." Whilst unravelling the ropes around your body.

"There's no use" you say, "the only person capable of doing so is Machi, and by the time she gets here I'll probably be dead."

Chrollo looks defeated with your answer and begins to wonder what to do next.

You stand up and sigh, gaining their attention. You're no longer restraint and your body can breathe, unleashing your ability, healing. You can heal yourself, heal others and revive people from the dead, yet it would cost a great price in order to proceed, you gained this by Alluka. It took years of concentration yet you practiced in private everyday, and finally have a valuable use for it.

Your nen slithers around your body healing every inch of you. They watched amusingly, Hisoka begun to clap in response, "Wow, that ability is definitely something else..". Chrollo observes intensely, and feels content that you're apart of the troupe, as your abilities are remarkable.

You stand up and begin to explain to them the ability, "Well, I can basically heal myself, heal others, and if I have enough energy stored, I can bring back people from the dead."

"Bring back people from the dead? That's very impressive, you must have lots of strong aura to conjure that much nen. What price would you have to pay to bring up that much nen?",Asks Chrollo.

"Oh well, the price isn't as extreme as you would think, I just feel quite fatigued for a couple hours, I would still have enough energy to defend myself, or heal myself, but not enough for a powerful battle."

Chrollo listened intently and asked, "who would you heal? A troupe member, a family member, or even a desperate civilian?"

You knew he was testing your sympathy, and whether or not you were capable of being a successful mafia member, so his question amused you.

"Well, it depends really, is the civilian any benefit to me? Did the troupe member work hard enough to survive? Anything can be questioned within this argument, but you know what can't, that all people die for a reason. Sometimes you have to put your morals aside and question whether or not this person deserves to be saved, as many people don't, but if you ever find yourself questioning a this choice, just know it's wrong. I'm not a doctor, I don't devote myself to save lives, I was raised to end them."

Chrollo exchanges a grin at you and helps you up.

"Well, I agree with your answer, however, we need to get the fuck outta here" says Hisoka.

You giggle and all four of you walk towards the car,  you Illumi get in the back seat.

"You know, you had me worried sick, when I entered, and I saw your with all those wounds, I felt ill to my stomach. I'm glad you're safe.."

Your heart warms up, and you lean onto his arms and fall asleep lightly.

"Yeah you even had Hisoka worried. He looked like he saw a ghost when you were snatched away" Chrollo jokes.

"Ha ha. Can I not be concerned?" Hisoka rolls his eyes.

They both laugh whilst you and Illumi rest, he was probably drained from the anxiety of losing you. You just can't wait to see Killua again, he kept mentioning a friend called Gon, and you really want to meet him and hang out as a group!

There's a lot of adventures coming up with you three, some that may even cause a divide within the phantom troupe, some that are gonna cause illumi to have his own target be a family member, and even some that may lead you back to Hisoka..



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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Y/N Zoldyck/ TW: Abuse, GoreWhere stories live. Discover now