Chapter Thirteen

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AN: Third Chapter I started today. This pre-writing schedule idea might work. Until school starts at least.


Harry's POV

I said yes. We're going to live together. He doesn't want to break up with me yet.

But now we have a problem. Sure we have to pack up all of my stuff, but that won't take very long considering I have hardly any possessions. The real problem is telling everyone why I'm moving out of the dorm and into a room with the Slytherin Prince.

I think we'll tell them as they start figuring it all out. There's really no need in freaking everyone out over this. It's not like many people would really notice anyways. Just my four roommates and Blaise because Draco is lucky enough to only share a dorm with one person.

Although Draco claims that Blaise already knows. He's actually apparently known about the move since Draco got permission. So just the Gryffindors will be a problem.

Either way, the room is currently empty besides the blonde and I. Hopefully it stays this way until we leave.

At this point we had collected nearly all of my belongings. All that I had left to pack was my toiletries and we could leave. But of course, my life us forever terrible and people began showing up. People being my roommates and Hermione and Ginny.

Let's just say their original reaction was sheer silence. Now that silence is being met with everyone trying to yell over each other to the point where I can't figure out what a single one of them is saying. But I do think that Dean and Seamus are defending Draco. That's definitely unexpected.

However I can tell that the two Weasleys are definitely the angriest. Neville just seems to be protecting his plant collection from the upcoming war that's no doubt going to break out in our room. Bringing Draco in with me was probably a bit of a mistake.

Hermione, being the calm level headed one of us all, pulled out her wand and muttered a spell, causing a bright light to escape from the tip and everybody to stop moving and speaking.

"Now that I can hear my own thoughts," she began. "Perhaps Harry here would like to explain what is actually going on here before we all jump to terrible conclusions."

This is why I liked Hermione. She always knew how to handle things like this. But I really didn't want to have to talk to everyone like this. Even if they couldn't hit me.

Sighing, I looked to the floor before I even started. This was going to end badly. Taking one last deep breath I allowed the word vomit to spill from my unwilling mouth and it went something like this.

"Well, uh, you see, um, Draco and I are dating. I think. Wait, wait. We are definitely dating. Because I love him. And, um, he asked me to, uh, move in with him? Yeah, that's what he asked. And I um, said yes. So, uh, we're here. Packing my stuff. And um, yeah. I think that's it. Right? Yeah."

It was pretty awkward. But not as awkward as the silence that met, along with Draco's superior-ly smug look.

That silence was finally ended however by someone I least expected.

"Well congratulations, Harry. It's nice to finally have you being open about who you are." This was, surprisingly, coming from Neville himself.

Next was Dean and Seamus both offering their support for us. If they didn't support us I would be very upset. Especially considering I know they're dating each other. It would be highly hypocritical of them if they didn't support Draco and I.

Although those were some amazing reactions, they weren't the ones I was really waiting for. And those ones were moderately scarring to my heart and mind. Except for Hermione's. Her's was amazing like the other three.

The Weasley's? Not so much.


AN: And there we have it. Chapter thirteen(?) finished. That's pretty pathetic. I don't even know what chapter this was.

Your welcome.

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