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"Well, this is awkward..."

You look at Steve as he gets up off the floor, taking in Natasha's last comment. You felt the dying urge to make some sort of sarcastic comment like you always do. You always have. Using sarcasm as a defence mechanism is second nature to you, using it in any kind of situation that you uncomfortable or threatened or whatever. And in this moment, right now with Steve towering over you, those extra 5 inches he has on you squandering any confidence you had, you need to say something to relieve yourself of this pressure.

"And the understatement of the year award goes to Natasha Romanoff. Everyone applaud!"

You begin to clap your hands loud and over the top but slowing down and then stopping when Steve hardens his glare on you. You drop your arms to your side and your eyes follow down, sticking to your feet. Steve turns to Natasha with the same look but she doesn't give in to him. "What are you doing in here? Rumlow needed your help."

"Backing up the hard drive, it's a good habit to get into." She said, cockiness running through her words as she took the hard drive from the computer.

You smirked her comment and her smartass attitude before looking back up, regaining your confidence but still feeling uncomfortable with the whole situation. You felt horrible betraying Steve. He had confided you in a few times about his struggles with adjusting to life in the 21st century. He also did his best to help you with your nightmares, not telling him the full extent or any real details about your past. He was your friend and the guilt of hurting him in any kind of way clawed away at you.

Steve looked at her angry and confused, you could see he was hurt by this and he couldn't even look at you."You're saving S.H.I.E.L.D intel. But the mission was to rescue hostages."

"Noooo... that was your mission."

You thought this was a good time to make another unnecessary comment to try to lighten the mood, knowing you probably weren't going to get anywhere. "Yeah, it's crazy. Nat had a mission, you had a different mission, it's a whole double agent thing and I didn't have a mission, yet here I am for some reason. The world really blows my mind."

The two of them look at you and roll their eyes, making you shut up completely and you just shrug at them. They both turn their attentions back to each other, Steve becoming more annoyed. "You've just jeopardised this whole operation."

"I think that's overstating things."

Out of nowhere, Batroc jumps up and throws a bomb at the three of you. Steve hits it across the room with his shield as you break a window for you guys to jump through. Steve grabs Natasha and the three of you jump through the window as the bomb explodes, throwing debris around the room and hit you midair.

"Ow, fuck! I'm gonna kill that French bastard." You say as you look down at your abdomen and see a large cut bleeding a bit too excessively for your liking. You look over at Natasha who has a pained expression on her face.

"Alright, that one's on me." She gripped her ribs as she looks at Steve.

"You're damn right!" He looks over through the window before looking at you and then Natasha. He grabs his shield and gets up, leaving the two of you on the floor.

You look at Natasha again and see she's in pain. You get up and make your way over to her, kneeling just in front of her. You have one hand on your abdomen in an effort to stop your cut from bleeding, with the other hand you stroke her cheek. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." She smiled at you gratefully.

"Let me help you up." You stand up and wince in pain as you do, you offer Natasha your hand and she takes it, relying on your strength to pull her up which made you wince again.

"Clearly you're not though."

"I'm fine." You smiled her, still holding your ribs with your hand covered in blood, which was now seeping through gaps between your fingers.

She looks at you concerned. She moves your hand gently off your wound with hers and looks at it carefully before allowing you to return your hand to where it rested. "You need stitches, Y/N."

Your heart smiled at her concern for you but you don't let it show on your face. "So does this mean we're not going for pizza?"

She rolls her eyes at you and you smile at her, which she couldn't help but return. "I'll make you a deal. While you're giving Fury the hard drive, I'll go and get this stitched up. Then you can come back to my apartment and shower. Plus, I'm gonna need someone to look after me and my war wound."

She looks at you and giggles at that last part. "I guess I have no choice. I can't leave you to suffer in pain all alone."

"No, it would be kinda mean if you did, Romanoff."

~Time skip~

Your getting changed out of the tactical gear you wearing earlier while Natasha is in the bathroom. You take off your shirt and look down at the stitches on your ribs. You traced your fingers lightly over them before moving them to another scar that stretched from your belly button to your hip. You let out a loud, deep sigh as you keep tracing the scar, not noticing Natasha come out of the bathroom.

"Checking yourself out there, Y/L/N?"

You jump in shock. "Fucking hell, Romanoff!"

She laughs at you as she walks over and stands in front of you. She looks down at the scar on your hip and traces it herself, her cold fingers send shivers down your spine. "I'm, uh, gonna watch a movie. Wanna join?"

She doesn't look up from your hip, still tracing your scar, moving up to your stitches and down your ab-line. You body freezes at her touch, your heart beating a million miles a minute. "Sure, as long as it's a horror." She says before moving both of her hands to your chest and resting them there.

Your body tensed up even more. Your throat dry, you do your best to throw a few words out of your mouth. Your voice breaking as you did so. "Yeah, uh, of course."

She looks up at you and smirks before removing her hand from your body and climbing into your bed. She picks up the remote and starts flicking through Netflix. You smile at how comfortable she is, making herself at home, before you go into the bathroom to finish getting changed.

Once you're done, you walk back out and get into your bed. Natasha pressed play and the movie IT came on your tv. She scooted closer to you but not too close so you were cuddling, you looked over at her and she kept her eyes trained on the tv, smiling subtly as she felt your gaze.

The Sanguine Assassin (Natasha Romanoff x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now