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That battle was exhausting as hell and you weren't even there for long. Although, everything was exhausting right now, you've only been awake 2 months. You stayed on the ground with Natasha, mostly, tearing the Chitauri apart with your bare hands.

Those things were coming out of the sky! Before you got yourself back, the biggest that was being talked about was Martin Luther King Jr. or the assassination of JFK. Times have changed and you knew it was going to be a struggle to keep up, especially since the confirmation of alien life right before your eyes.

The Avengers had gone their separate ways by now, Natasha Romanoff sticking around to see how you were going to be dealt with. You liked her. She was confident and strong, beautiful and graceful, intimidating and scary. What else could anyone want in a woman?

Nick Fury left a dark room, you weren't sure what was going on in there but he'd been there a while. You were sat waiting at a table, you guessed was used for meetings, while Romanoff sat across from you, studying you, body language and facial features to social cues and behavioural traits. You could tell she was suspicious of you, it's like she completely forgot you just helped save the world and her life while doing it.

Fury walked in and threw a file in front of you, picking it up you saw your name written across the front. "I know who you are, I know of your past and I know that's not what you do anymore."

You looked up at him, staring into his one eye, trying not to get distracted by wanting to know the story behind the eye patch. In the corner of your eye, you saw Natasha intriguingly looking over at the file.

"Can I see that?"

"No." You didn't take your eyes off the file, flicking through it, seeing information that you didn't understand they had. You didn't want anyone to know. You were happy with Nick being the only man with information, this to Natasha's annoyance. You glanced at her and saw shock painted across Natasha's face, you guessed she wasn't told 'no' often.

"Excuse me, but I think I have a right to-"

"I said no." Once again, not taking your eyes off the file as you spoke, turning each page intrigued. The shocked look on her face only grew, making you smirk as you subtly made eye contact. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms before sitting back in her chair.

"Now, listen Y/L/N. You were a great help out there, I think you'd be of good use to the world. I've organised a meeting with the World Security Council to discuss your pardon." The one-eyed man said as he stood at the top of table, leaning against it with both hands taking the weight of his body.

You didn't want to be pardoned. You caused some much pain and violence for so many people in your time and you deserved to be punished. But prison was a place you didn't want to step foot in.

"You'll agree to counselling and community service to show your apology and begin to make amends." His words cause you to laugh as you slowly close the file in your hand and put on the table, casually swatting Natasha's hand away as she reaches for it.

"I'm not doing any of that, sir. You got anything else in mind to allow my pardon?" You say as you casually cross your arms in front of you, leaning back in your chair and putting your feet up on the table.

"Join my team, the Avengers. We could use you and your abilities."

You laugh again as you pick up the file off the table and stand up, walking over to Fury and stopping inches away from him. "Hmm... tempting offer but another no. Your little team is a ticking time bomb waiting to implode any second. So, I'll have to pass. I'll be in touch."

You begin to walk out the room, a smug smile on your face, leaving Natasha and Nick in the room. Nick saying to you before you leave:

"I'll make sure of it."

The Sanguine Assassin (Natasha Romanoff x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now