MBTI All About ENTJ: Commander

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ENTJ: The Commander (Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging)

Other people often describe people with this type of personality as assertive, confident, and outspoken. According to psychologist David Keirsey, the ENTJ type is quite rare, accounting for a mere two percent of the population.

ENTJs Rely on Four Key Cognitive Functions:

Dominant: Extraverted Thinking

This is an ENTJ preferred function and is expressed through the way they make decisions and judgments. ENTJs have a tendency to speak first without listening, making snap judgments before really taking in all the information pertaining to a situation. While they tend to make snap judgments, they are also very rational and objective. They are focused on imposing order and standards on the world around them. Setting measurable goals is important.

Auxiliary: Introverted Intuition

People with this personality type are future-focused and always consider the possibilities when approaching a decision. ENTJs are forward-thinking and are not afraid of change. They trust their instincts, although they may have a tendency to regret jumping to conclusions so quickly.

Tertiary: Extraverted Sensing

This cognitive function gives ENTJs an appetite for adventure. They enjoy novel experiences and may sometimes engage in thrill-seeking behaviors. Because their outward sensory focus, they also have an appreciation for beautiful things in life. They often enjoy surrounding themselves with things that they find attractive or interesting.

Inferior: Introverted Feeling

Introverted feeling is centered on internal feelings and values. Emotions can be difficult area for ENTJs, and they often lack an understanding of how this part of their personality contributes to their decision-making process. When this aspect of personality is weak, ENTJs may find themselves feeling uncomfortable or awkward in settings where some type of emotional response is called for.

ENTJs You Might Know

Franklin D. Roosevelt, U.S. President 

Bill Gates, Microsoft founder 

Vince Lombardi, football coach 

Carl Sagan, astronomer 

Lex Luthor, Superman character

Source: www(dot)verywellmind(dot)com

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