MBTI All About ISTP: Virtuoso

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ISTP: The Crafter (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)

People with ISTP personalities enjoy having time to think alone and are fiercely independent. ISTPs also love action, new experiences, hands-on activities, and the freedom to work at their own pace. ISTPs enjoy taking things apart just to see how they work. They are logical and rational, but are more interested in practical applications than in abstract ideas. They love doing new things and can become bored with routines rather quickly.

ISTPs Rely on Four Key Cognitive Functions:

Dominant: Introverted Thinking

ISTPs spend a great deal of time thinking and dealing with information in their own heads. This means they do not spend a great deal of time expressing themselves verbally, so they are often known as being quiet. It may seem like the ISTPs approach to decision-making is very haphazard, yet their actions are actually based upon careful observation and thought. They deal with the world rationally and logically, so they are often focused on things that seem practical and useful. Because they are so logical, ISTPs are good at looking at situations in an objective way and avoiding subjective or emotional factors when making decisions. People with this personality type can be difficult to get to know, often because they are focused so much on action and results rather than on emotions.

Auxiliary: Extraverted Sensing

ISTPs prefer to focus on the present and take on things one day at a time. They often avoid making long-term commitments and would rather focus on the "here and now" rather than think about future plans and possibilities. ISTPs tend to be very logical and enjoy learning and understanding how things operate. They might take apart a mechanical device just to see how it works. While they are good at understanding abstract and theoretical information, they are not particularly interested in such things unless they can see some type of practical application.

Tertiary: Introverted Intuition

This function often operates largely unconsciously in the ISTP personality. While they are not usually interested in abstract ideas, they may take such concepts and try to turn them into action or practical solutions. It is this function that is behind the "gut feelings" that ISTP sometimes experience when making a decision. By synthesizing information brought in by the dominant and auxiliary functions, this aspect of personality may be responsible for sudden "aha" moments of insight.

Inferior: Extraverted Feeling

This aspect of personality tends to operate in the background of the ISTP personality, but it can become more apparent during times of stress. During highly charged situations, ISTPs can sometimes lash out in sudden outbursts of emotion. They often ignore their own feelings until things reach a boiling over point, which can lead to displaying emotions in ways that can seem inappropriate.

ISTPs You Might Know

Clint Eastwood, actor

Zachary Taylor, U.S. President

Alan Shepherd, astronaut

Amelia Earhart, aviator

Bruce Lee, martial artist

Source: www(dot)verywellmind(dot)com

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