The Impossible Bond - Part 2

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Apathy Syndrome was rampant in Paulownia mall by the time it was evening , and some employees would actually stop moving completely . Even worse , there were some apathetic people that would just stare at nothing and murmur incoherently like other people suffering from Apathy Syndrome , but the moment someone approached them , they would get violent and start choking that person . Police were powerless to stop them , as they would suddenly be so strong they would be able to shrug off several officers .

As Minato stood in that anxious environment , he could only wonder and dread that something had happened to his sister . He had sent her a text message , telling her to meet him in Paulownia mall , but as he looked around , he thought that it might have been a bad idea . Thankfully , Minako emerged from the crowd and approached her brother .

" I didn't keep you waiting for too long , did I ? " Minako asked " I was with Ryoji ... "

" no , I got here a few minutes ago "

" so ... uh ... why are we here ? "

" first of all , we're going to the velvet room to optimize our stock of Personas , then the pharmacy to buy medicine and first aid kits , and finally pay officer Kurosawa a visit ... "

" woah , hold on ! What's with this emergency procedure ?! " Minako asked anxiously " you're acting as if ... "

" as if tomorrow's night is a full moon night, which it is " Minato replied dryly " I don't know what will happen , but we need to be prepared for the worst "

" as if tomorrow's night is a full moon night, which it is " Minato replied dryly " I don't know what will happen , but we need to be prepared for the worst "

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As soon as the bell rang in the school signaling the lunch break , the classrooms erupted into gossip . They were talking about the recent developments in the Apathy Syndrome , and how those who suffer from it were going berserk at an erratic rate , more specifically at night . Minako couldn't sit and eat her lunch with such a disturbing topic being discussed around her , but by the time she looked at her brother , he was walking out of the classroom with Aigis .

" excuse me , have you seen Ryoji ? " Minako asked Kazushi

" Hm ? You mean Mochizuke-kun ? " Kazushi shrugged " don't know ... Junpei invited him to have lunch with Kenji and the others , but he said he wanted to be alone . You'll probably find him in the rooftop of the school , though "

" oh , okay , thanks " Minako nodded the rooftop is where I was going anyway

While Minako made her way to the rooftop , she saw through the window crowds of students and teachers at the front of the school . She didn't think much about it and decided to continue , but when she opened the door to the roof of the school , and saw Ryoji standing behind the bars at the edge of the roof , she realized what the crowd was doing .

" Ryoji ?! " Minako cried " what're you doing ?! "

" this is ... this is for the best " Ryoji lifted his foot as if he wanted to take a step forward

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