Laughter and Joy

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When Minato found his footing again , he was confused and disoriented . Before him stood the girl , her eyes were fixated on him , and as much as he tried , he couldn't tell what she was thinking , if she wanted to hurt him or something else . Even worse , her jump shook him greatly . That was not a jump a mere human could pull off , and she did it with her basic strength while carrying him . If they fight there and then , he wouldn't stand a chance .

Minato nearly jumped from his skin when the girl took a step forward , and he unconsciously took a step backward .

" are you scared ? " the girl said , her tone revealed nothing , and Minato couldn't tell if she was taunting him , threatening him or what .

" no " he lied

" You are scared . Your heart beat is 20% faster than normal , your breathing is 1.5 times faster than normal " the girl took another step forward

" stay away ! " Minato unconsciously screamed as he felt his back at a tree

" do not be afraid ... I will always be by your side "

Minato's tense and wary expression changed to shocked and dumbfounded , when the girl hugged him where he stood .

" I found  Minato ! " Yukari called the other girls as she saw Minato between the woods and as she approached him , she started talking to him " where have you been ?! We've been trying to

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" I found  Minato ! " Yukari called the other girls as she saw Minato between the woods and as she approached him , she started talking to him " where have you been ?! We've been trying to ... contact ... you ? "

Yukari stopped and gazed at Minato being hugged by a strange girl . As soon as Minato's eyes met hers , a flustered and embarrassed look appeared on his face and he started waving his hands for her nervously from the girl's hug

" Yukari ! This is not what it looks like ! " Minato stuttered as the girl tightened her embrace , he shifted his attention to her and tried to wiggle himself free " l—let got of me , you freak ! "

" Minato ! Are you o—? " Minako emerged from within the woods and she stopped and stared at her brother

" shit " Minato sighed , knowing what was coming next

" how ADORABLE !!! " Minako clapped her hands joyfully " my grumpy sibling has found himself a girlfriend ! "

" girlfriend ?! " Yukari was zapped by those words

" moron ! This is not what's happening here ! " Minato defensively said

" SEE !!! " Junpei screamed from behind Minato " I told you he's gonna have her all over him by the time we make it , he's a total chick-magnet even more than you , senpai ! "

" huh ... he really did mean it ... about the silence thing ... "

" can everyone please stop talking about love and focus on the situation at hand ?! " As Minato saw Fuuka and Mitsuru emerging from the woods behind Minako , he sighed and lowered his head " I give up ... I don't know what will make her let go of me ! "

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