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" ... the days we spent in that peaceful town ... back then we were oblivious ... we didn't  notice anything ... little did we know that those days wouldn't last forever ... "

The kids thought that , with Minako at their side , they wouldn't have to worry about the teenagers breaking the rules

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The kids thought that , with Minako at their side , they wouldn't have to worry about the teenagers breaking the rules . However , their opponent had dirtier methods to get around it . Those who receive warning , or a yellow card , would be more cautious in their play , but the players who were still unwarned yet would be relentless in their approach , and would actively pursue one player . Minako really wished she could just slam a red card in their faces , but they couldn't object to that the first time because they wounded Minato , and since other violations weren't as severe , she couldn't just hand a red card . Despite her effort to make the match as honest and just as possible , and despite the kids trying to hold on , the teenagers still managed to break through the kids , almost literally , and by the time they were halfway through the second half , they had already taken the lead by a goal

" argh ! This isn't working ! " Kimiko yelled , and found herself feigning her frustration on Minako " do your job , girl ! "

" I'm trying , okay ?! " Minako yelled back " every time I want to give a red card , they accuse me of bending the rules so you would win ! I know I decided to be a referee , but I don't know that much about soccer ! "

" it's not Minako " Minato interfered " they're breaking the rules in such a way that has every player who received a yellow card play fair , but those who haven't would be savage and dirty ! "

" what ?! Those lousy ... ! "

" if that's the case , I have a plan to fight back ! " Kimiko had a mischievous grin on her face

" I really don't like where this is going " Shoya sighed " but I don't think we have a choice "

The match began again , and sure enough the teenagers managed to snatch the ball from the kids by pushing them and shoving them . Minako was about to hand a yellow card for that , but she saw Kimiko managing to steal the ball , and being curious about her plan , she stopped and watched what the furious girl would do .

" I wanted to go easy on you , boys , but you earned the rage of Kimiko Satonaka ! " Kimiko declared confidently as she managed to pass through the defense to the goal

" be quiet ! " goal keeper taunted her " girls belong in the kitchen ! "

" oh I'll show you a kitchen girl , alright ! Here's my special secret shot ! The ultimate Nutcracker Crush ! "

Kimiko forcefully shot the ball , with a shot that wasn't really an different in execution from her regular shots , making it clear to Minako and everyone in the field that she was just bluffing . That was until her shot struck the goal keeper , which was admittedly by accident since that shot , as most her shots , was painfully inaccurate . However , when it did strike the goal keeper , he suddenly crouched on the ground , wincing and writhing in pain , a pain so severe he couldn't even scream . Kimiko hurriedly used that chance to score a goal while everyone stared at the goal keeper groaning as his whole body grew numb .

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