The Skywalker Clan, Part 1

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This is it, this is all I want in life

The happy Skywalker family, with Luke and Leia, and their Uncle Obi and Auntie 'Soka. Please

In this, just pretend the attachments rule has been ditched.

Enjoy :)

"Ani, can you put the twins to bed? I can't leave this," Padme yelled from the kitchen, stirring a white sauce that threatened to burn.

"Got it," He yelled back, picking up a little blonde haired toddler wandering the house. "Come on monkey, let's go." Anakin brought a slightly perturbed Luke towards his bedroom, where Leia already lay on the floor playing with an action figure of some sort. As if on cue, while both parents were occupied, a knock came from the front door. Luckily it was only Ahsoka who felt free to let herself in.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm a little late at helping prepare, I got caught up." She came and set her chin on Padme's shoulder as she was still stirring.

"Ahsoka, I'm so glad you're here, you're right on time. Could you check the chicken? It should be almost cooked through by now." (I'm too lazy to not use chicken, pretend it's a tip-yip instead)

"Sure thing." A few minutes later Anakin emerged, having successfully put both kids to bed.

"Hey Snips!" He wrapped her in a hug when she was finished cutting a piece of meat open to see how cooked it was. She reciprocated the hug with a little chuckle.

"Good to see you too," Ahsoka chuckled and greeted him. "It hasn't been all that long, that was quite a welcome."

"I missed you anyway." The three of them worked happily in the kitchen for another half an hour or so until they heard Obi-Wan's gentle knock. It had been a long time since everyone had gotten together to spend time like this. He would have just yelled for Obi-Wan to come in, but he wasn't about to risk the kids waking up in the other room. "Obi-Wan, come on in. Dinner's almost ready."

"Scratch that, it's ready," Ahsoka greeted, walking up to the door where Obi-Wan had just entered.

"Well, it certainly smells amazing, what are we having?" The three of them made their way into the dining room where Padme had just finished setting the table. Her and Ahsoka had done most of the cooking. Not because they were asked to or expected to, they genuinely enjoyed making food for everyone. Ahsoka has become much better at cooking than when she was a Padawan, those days were filled with a few microwave disasters, and a whole lot of ration bars when she didn't even want to try to cook. Padme had been a good teacher, and now she was perfectly comfortable cooking, and even enjoyed it as long as the dishes afterward weren't overwhelming.

"Grilled chicken and alfredo. I think it's was Padme's mom's recipe?" She turned to the woman behind her.

"Yes, my mom made it when I was a kid. Why don't we dig in now that Obi-Wan's here?"

"Oh I'm sorry, am I late?" He said, concerned.

"No, not at all! Ahsoka just told me she'd come early to help. You were right on time." Padme assured him. With that they all sat around the table to eat the lovely dish the two ladies had prepared. There was mostly talk of recent missions with the Jedi Order, as well as a senate battle Padme had partaken in; Ahsoka hesitated to tell them bout her new... Friend, and waited until dinner was mostly done. She knew Anakin would likely go big brother on her if she told him, and had avoided it for close to two weeks, when her and Nyx had gotten together. Finally, the conversation died down and she was able to work up enough guts to say it. She had already told Padme because she knew her sister would keep a secret and be genuinely happy for her instead of grilling her about the boy like Anakin might.

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