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I mentioned this story in The Skywalker Clan Part... Two? And I needed to write it bc I thought it was funny. Probably not all that long, but hopefully kinda cute

"...You're kidding, right?"

Nyx stood facing the door, hand on the keypad that was supposed to let them out, clearly not doing so.

"I wish I was. It's locked." Ahsoka looked at him confused.

"How do you lock yourself in a building that only locks from the outside?"

"By the keypad breaking and not being able to open the door anymore. Not to mention, the door is reinforced and virtually unbreakable."

"If you say anything more that will make this situation worse I am tackling you."

He raised his hands in surrender. "Nothing else. I don't think." Ahsoka walked towards the door, prying the panel off the keypad and beginning to tinker with a few wires. Within a moment she sighed and hit her head against the wall.

"I don't have time for this," She complained. "I have to be back at the temple in half an hour or else Anakin will grill me."

Nyx looked over her shoulder and into the keypad. "Do you know what's wrong?"

"This wire that just so happened to overheat and the casing melted, killing itself and at least two others around it. I don't have time to replace a bunch of wires in this thing. There's no other way out of here?" She turned around and pleaded with him, a slightly annoyed look on her face.

"This is the only door."

"I didn't ask about a door." She grinned slightly. "I asked if there's any other way out."

Nyx hesitated slightly. "I mean, there's a window in my apartment..."

"How big?"

Nyx looked towards the door in the back of the shop, walking towards it with Ahsoka following. "Escapable sized." 

Ahsoka rolled her wrists while Nyx led her inside, hoping the window really was escapable sized, because if not she'd be getting a lecture when she got back to the temple; despite her not being Anakin's Padawan anymore. As she neared the window she breathed a small sigh of relief. It really was escapable sized.

He stood on his tip-toes, something Ahsoka couldn't help but grin at, to reach the window over the small kitchen counter. When it had successfully been pried open as far as it would go, he turned back. "Ladies first?"

"What, scared you won't fit?"

"No, scared you'll lock me out of my own apartment," Nyx joked. Ahsoka smacked his arm as she crawled onto the counter. Checking to make sure she wouldn't land on anything in the alleyway, she slid her legs through first and hopped down.

"How should I-" Nyx cut himself off with a small grunt as he tried to stick his head through the window.

"No no no! Legs first!" Ahsoka almost yelled, laughing as she tried to catch him as he fell out of the window. Her lekku darkened and a small blush rose to her cheeks as they laid in the middle of an alley, Nyx positioned close to her face. Without thinking too much, her lips met his for a short, but gentle first kiss between the two.

He was far more flustered than she, stuttering slightly afterwards. She chuckled at his discomposure. He laughed nervously, still unmoving. Ahsoka finally shoved him off her lap, dusting herself off as they both stood. He caught his hand in hers as they walked silently down the alley and towards the sidewalk where Ahsoka's speeder was parked. "You're hopeless, you know that?" She smiled at him, his tense body language and pursed lips.

"Ya, kinda," He admitted.

"Well it's cute. Now, I really have to go-" Before she could continue Nyx pulled her in for a second kiss, slightly more graceful than their first. "Actually..." She reconsidered once they pulled apart.

"I don't want you to face the wrath of an angry brother, you really should go. Not that I want you to or anything, because I don't, I just-" Ahsoka cut him off with a laugh.

"Bye, Nyx. And good luck getting back inside!" She called over her shoulder as she hopped on her speeder. Said boyfriend suddenly realized that he was most definitely screwed, and would be sure to try his best not to crack his head open when he entered through the kitchen window again.

When Ahsoka got back to the temple, she was glad to feel Anakin's sleeping presence next door and silently entered her own quarters, dropping her bag on the floor and flopping on the sofa. She lifted her arm and hit Padme's number on her comm.

A smile reached her face as the woman on the other end picked up. "Padme? I have something I want to tell you..."

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