The Skywalker Clan, Part 3

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Anakin had three people who used his comm outside of the order. Obi-Wan, Padme, and Ahsoka. So when it wasn't any of their comm numbers showing up, he was skeptical, trying to think of whoever else would have it. Finally biting the bullet, he picked up.

"Skywalker," He spoke, assuming it was someone from the order.

A voice came through the other end with only a slight hint of interference. "Anakin, it's Nyx," He spoke clearly and confidently.

"Nyx, good to hear from you. What's going on?"

"I wanted to know if we could meet up, you, Obi-Wan and I. I have something to ask you about." Anakin raised his eyebrow to no one in particular, exiting his own room in the temple to go find Obi-Wan.

"Sure, I have Obi-Wan right here if you want me to talk to him. When are you free?"

"I'm pretty free this week, anytime after seven when I close up shop. If you want to get back to me with a time we can do that."

"Sounds good. Bye Nyx."

With that, Anakin knocked. Metal on metal, a sure sign to tell someone who was entering. He opened the door himself when he heard a faint, "Come in."

"Obi-Wan, Nyx just called me," He started. The master stood from his spot on the couch to greet his former apprentice as he continued speaking. "Wants to meet with both of us."

Obi-Wan went to stroke his beard in thought. "Hm. Well what did you tell him?"

"Well, yes of course, he said he's free after seven anytime this week. I told him I'd ask you and get back with an answer."

"No reason to keep him waiting then." Obi-Wan smirked and pointed to the clock on his wall reading 7:21.


Nyx waited patiently behind the counter, fidgeting with a stray bolt as he watched the door for two incoming Jedi. Finally, the shop door opened with a ringing bell.

"Hey Nyx," Anakin spoke. Obi-Wan gave a curt nod to greet him.

"Thank you guys so much for coming down here so quickly," He greeted as he walked out from behind the counter.

"What was it you wanted to talk about?" Obi-Wan asked. Nyx lead them over to the back door as he spoke, opening it into his apartment.

"Well... Oh gosh this is hard. Okay," He started, pulling a box out from the pocket in his cargo pants. And sitting down on the sofa, the two Jedi copying. "I know Ahsoka doesn't know her real parents, but I still wanted to get both of your blessings before asking her to... to marry me." He breathed out a sigh and handed the black box to Anakin who happened to be closer.

Both Anakin and Obi-Wan's eyes went wide, and smiles even wider as they studied the box. "Can I?" Anakin asked. Nyx nodded, and Anakin flipped the cover open in response.

With a noise of admiration, Anakin showed the ring to Obi-Wan. A silver band with a small moonstone gem in the middle, beautiful but still simple and sturdy enough that she wouldn't have to worry about it getting damaged.

"Well I don't know about Anakin, but you absolutely have my blessing Nyx. She'll be delighted," Obi-Wan spoke in response to the awkward silence that had fallen. Anakin still hadn't spoken, but finally closed the box and moved to side hug his future (sort of) brother-in-law instead.

"Same goes here." He didn't speak much for fear of letting a tear fall, ever emotional. "This is... Amazing Nyx."

He just smiled in response, taking the ring back and examining it. "I actually was going to ask you first but I saw this ring a couple days ago... I just knew it was perfect."

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