The Skywalker Clan, Part 2

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"Okay, Nyx, crash course."

"I need a crash course in your family?" He asked, sitting next to Ahsoka on the sofa with his arm around her shoulder.

"Yes, okay, so Anakin will probably try and intimidate you, but he's really a softy and you hopefully won't have too much trouble with him. Just give him a firm handshake and smile, and you'll be fine. He already loves that you own a repair shop."

"He does?" Nyx asked, looking over at his girlfriend with a smile, excited that he's already made a good impression.

"Ya, he's huge on all sorts of mechanical things, he taught me most of what I know."

"Good to know."

"Next is Padme, she's a sweetheart, but remember that she won't hesitate to use her mom voice and will always win an argument, so don't pick a fight with her."

"Got it. Who's next?" He was feeling pretty confident he was going to pass the test for this crash course, and snuggled a little closer to Ahsoka.

"The twins, Luke and Leia, they will probably try to embarrass you, as four year olds do. Just smile and know how to say no, they get over things really fast. And I can help you for the most part, they both like me."

"Okay, so handle with care but not too much care."

"Exactly." Ahsoka looked him in the eye and took a breath. "Lastly, Obi-Wan. Now, he's mellow, he's got that accent that will make you instantly want to drink tea and talk about the weather, but if he's angry, he will pummel you with sass. Like, that's fight you can't win. His sarcasm is unmatched."

"So, don't pick a fight with him, otherwise he's amazing."

"Yes, you think you're good?"

"I think so, but I appreciate the crash course." He smiled and stroked her knuckles. "Are you ready to go?"

"I should be asking you that, not the other way around." Ahsoka chuckled, hopping off the couch and offering Nyx a hand. He took it and continued.

"As long as I get out with my life, I'll consider it a win," He joked.


Ahsoka and Nyx, now standing outside the Skywalker apartment, were about to knock. Ahsoka could tell that Nyx was still nervous, despite his attempts to sound fearless. It hadn't really hit him until that moment, and now the nerves were catching up to him, so Ahsoka took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, silently telling him, you'll be alright, and, they'll love you. She knocked and entered, knowing that she was always welcome.

"Hey!" She said quietly, hoping the twins weren't asleep. That idea was quickly thrown out the window when two little balls of joy came barreling towards her.

"Auntie 'Soka!" Luke said, trying to hop into her arms. Ahsoka, although loving the twins, just gave Luke her hand to grab onto, and Leia being a little more composed of the two just bounced along side her brother.

"Hey kiddos, it's good to see you." Before she could get any further than the doorway, Padme greeted her with a big smile, glancing over at Nyx.

"Come on guys, leave 'Soka alone. Why don't you go find dad, okay?" She ushered them back, giving Ahsoka a hug when she had been let go of. "Hi Ahsoka, it's good to see you." She let go of the hug. "And you're Nyx! I'm Padme," She said giving him a hand to shake. He did so willingly and gave her a smile.

"Padme, it's nice to meet you." Ahsoka made sure to stand close to Nyx to make him feel as safe as possible, and so that she could rescue him at any point if need be.

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