The Skywalker Clan, Part 4

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When Ahsoka woke up the next morning it was to the smell of bacon and Luke's shrill laughter. She glanced at the clock beside her bed reading 7:32 and happily sat up. She had taken to "accidentally" leaving a set of clothes in the guest bedroom (because the only other person to occupy it was Padme's mother multiple years ago) for when she crashed on late nights, so she washed her face in the bathroom and slipped into the comfortable leggings and tank top combination.

A lovely breakfast of eggs and bacon later, Ahsoka and Anakin went to join Padme in the living room where she was occupying the kids.

"Finally, I need to go get dressed," Padme complained from the sofa, scrolling through something on a holo-pad while the twins watched animals sing on the tv.

"Just come back eventually so I can get dressed too," Anakin replied. Ahsoka intervened before he sat down.

"I can stay with the twins, you both go get ready." She occupied the spot on the sofa that she had been sitting in the night before as Padme rose.

"Hey thanks, Snips. " Anakin went first, Padme following him towards their bedroom.

It was about five minutes later, after Leia had joined her on the couch, that the little girl noticed the ring. "Auntie 'Soka, what's that?" She pointed towards the ring, only getting a side view of it from where she was sitting. Ahsoka smiled and held her hand out for the little girl to observe it.

Luke came scrambling over from where he was playing with a toy tie fighter to see, not quite knowing what she was talking about, but knowing he wouldn't miss seeing it. "Woah," the girl said in response, reaching out to touch the little stone. This was the first time Ahsoka had seen it in the light and admired it too with a smile.

"Want to know what's cool about it?" She asked. They both nodded in response. "Nyx gave it to me." Leia, knowing a little more about the whole "how to get married" situation than Luke did and figured out what it meant.

"Does that mean he really is gonna marry you?" Her smile made Ahsoka laugh.

"It does."


After calming down the excited twins and bidding goodbye to the parents, Ahsoka finally hopped on her speeder and made her way to the temple. Her first stop was her room where she had a mission report she was supposed to finish last night, but before she could do so she was interrupted by a certain founder. Plo practically ran straight into Ahsoka as they both rounded the corner.

"Little 'Soka, so sorry." He was originally flustered but smiled at Ahsoka's calm and happy manner.

"It's alright master Plo, it's actually good that I ran into you."


"I wanted to show you something." She held out her hand to once again reveal the moonstone gem wrapped around her finger. This was one of the few times you could tell- for sure- that behind the mask, Master Plo was smiling. He sighed and took her hand, stroking her fingers around the ring.

"Nyx?" She nodded. He pulled the girl in for a hug, wrapping his arms around her thin, but still small figure. "I'm so proud of you, you know that?"

Ahsoka chuckled, her face hidden in his robes. "I know."


She found herself distracted while she did the report, glancing at the ring every once in a while. Now, usually Ahsoka wasn't one for the fancy, flashy things in life, being a Jedi makes that pretty mandatory. But she couldn't get over the giddy feeling she got every time the ring caught in the sunlight from the window. Finally she finished the report and decided it was time to find Obi-Wan and tell him the news he probably already knew.

She headed down the hallway towards her grandmaster's quarters, spinning the ring around on her finger. She marveled at how perfectly it fit. Finally reaching the door, she knocked. It opened on it's own, revealing Obi-Wan sitting on the sofa with a book, smiling at his visitor.

"Ahsoka, how wonderful to see you, please come in," He greeted. She complied, joining him in the living space, instead choosing the floor to sit on; as she often did (Same, Ahsoka).

He gave a sly sort of look, as if knowing what she was about to say. "You know?" Ahsoka retaliated with her own smile. His only grew as he nodded.

"Let me see the ring, I never did get a good look at it." When it was within reach he admired it as everyone else had, smiling down at the not-so-little-girl in front of him. "You know, Nyx was so nervous when we talked about the proposal," He joked.

"That's what Anakin said, and I told him it's cute," She quipped.

Obi-Wan chuckled at the girl, nearly 24 now. Time sure had flown, that was for sure. And to think, he was her first official boyfriend.


She actually forgot to tell the boys until she met them in the mess hall that evening. It was Rex who saw her and ushered her to the table, surrounding her were Fives and Echo, plus a few shinnies the next table over. "Good to see you sir," Rex said, followed by agreements from the other two.

"I'm glad I caught you, I want to tell you something." Ahsoka grinned as she held her caf in her right hand, her left being concealed in her lap. "Some guy got me this the other night," She joked as she held her hand out.

"Ahsoka, you're engaged??" Fives practically yelled.

"You could have asked me that a little quieter, but ya Fives, I'm engaged." Rex pulled her into a side hug, Fives and Echo continued to repeat their congratulations, and the rest of the mess hall gave them confused looks.

"I'm still hurt you haven't let us meet Nyx yet," Echo pouted. "You let Rex and Kix meet him, why not us?"

She sighed a laughed slightly. "Because out of everyone in the barracks, you two were most likely to either kill him, or convince him to do something stupid resulting in his death. You can meet him if you promise to be normal, got it?" Ahsoka bargained.

"We promise we won't let any harm come to him. Because then you would kill us too."

Ahsoka considered Fives' statement. "You're not wrong."

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