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I haven't updated this in a while so I felt like I should give y'all something. Here's more self indulgent cuddling (cuz everyone from my other book know how much I love cuddling), although this time it isn't platonic, and it makes me feel like a traitor somehow XD

ANyways, Ahsoka and Nyx will be dating during this, not engaged or married. In general I think I'll be using this time frame when writing these one shots.

TW for panic attacks

Enjoy :)

Ahsoka was lucky citizens were allowed in the temple, even under strict regulations. Unfortunately, one of those was that all citizens were out by midnight.

Fortunately no one really enforced those rules. (Also don't worry, everything is really innocent lol, I'm christian raised what can I say)

She called Nyx that night at nearly ten p.m. in a fit of panic, breaths hitched, saying she needed him to come. She didn't know how someone could get from the under levels of Coruscant to the temple so fast, but she was grateful for it none the less. Ten minutes later Nyx was opening her door, grabbing his girlfriend up in his arms, and shushing her lovingly.

"I've got you 'Soka, I'm here," He cooed quietly, sitting them both down on the couch. "Tell me what's up."

"Panic attack," She mumbled. "I don't know what triggered it, it just- just, came, and I couldn't..."

Nyx pulled her a little closer. "It's okay, you won't always know." As an afterthought he added, "What're your symptoms like?"

"Tight chest, breathing's hard, I'm kind of nauseous..." Ahsoka trailed off as she felt her body shake upon the end of her sentence. "And chills I guess." Nyx chuckled a little sadly before moving to get her to lay down, which she did so, although only got as far as to lean on his chest.

"What can I do to help?" He asked as she settled in.

Ahsoka thought for a moment. "Just a distraction."

He nodded, picking up the tv remote from the side table and began switching through channels as he spoke. "We had a customer today to ask for help on his speeder, said it wasn't moving when he hit the gas pedal, it made funny noises, and that he had to lug it all the way down so 'it'd better be worth the trouble'. Took one look at it, put the keys in the ignition, hit the gas, and it was perfectly fine. Ran a diagnostic and nothing was wrong. Wanna know what he did?" Ahsoka nodded. "He was hitting the brake instead of the gas." She snorted a little along with him.

"How did he not know?"

"He was pretty old, when I checked his license it had been revoked four years ago. Eighty nine basic years. I ended up calling the police on him; turned out to be quite the pain in the butt." Soon the two of them settled on episode one of an action tv show that Anakin had suggested to her a few weeks prior. She was sure she'd forget it before getting the chance to watch it, but apparently that 'wasn't in the will of the force', as she'd joked to Nyx.

It was about twenty minutes into the show when Nyx spoke up, realizing that her breath was much less shuddered and she seemed far more relaxed against him and his arm that had long since fallen asleep. "Feeling better?" Ahsoka responded with a satisfied hum.

"Thank you for coming over, you just... dropped everything," She said quietly, the episode having hit the end credits scene without any explosions to interrupt.

Nyx flexed his fingers on the arm that had fallen asleep, mentally wincing at the prickling sensation before going to rub her arm. "I'm be there for you, 'Soka. I'll always drop everything because you're always more important. Don't forget that."

She smiled and snuggled closer with a small yawn. "The same goes for you. You're always the most important part of my life. Hence why I called you. I know you're always there for me, and I know I can always trust you with things like these." Ahsoka always expected herself to stumble over the next words, but following what she had just said she didn't hesitate. It felt far more natural as she spoke, her whisper echoing throughout the quiet room quite loud enough for her boyfriend to hear. "I love you, Nyx."

He looked flustered, eyebrows raised and silently stumbling over what he was going to say next, however simple it should have been. "I love you too, Ahsoka." As an afterthought, continued with, "Always and forever."

She snorted. "That was really cheesy."

"Hey, it's true!" Nyx joked back.

"Ya, but still cheesy."

The two of them continued onto the next episode, Ahsoka barely making it through the first five minutes, her yawns becoming more frequent until they were replaced by the gentle purring she made in place of a snore. Nyx found it quite cute, always placing a gentle hand on her back or sternum to feel the vibrations like he might a loth cat. It was soothing, and after admitting so once Ahsoka revealed she didn't mind at all, thinking it was cute.

Anakin tried to hold back his smile when he found the two the next morning, passed out on Ahsoka's couch, tangled in a mess of limbs beneath a blanket.

A bit shorter than normal, but it was still pretty cute. Hope you enjoyed <3

Have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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