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It was 7 in the morning.

Jeongin's alarm had been going off just seconds ago.
He had woken up before the others, as always.

He went straight to the bathroom, freshened up to wake up well, and went to the kitchen to make some pancakes.
He wanted his friends to start the day off right.

After a while also Seungmin, the second youngest of the group, woke up.
However, he stayed in his bed for ten minutes more, after opening his eyes. He felt sleepy.
He shared the room with Jeongin and Changbin. The boy with chestnut colored hair quickly looked around only to find the latter snoring.

The other bedrooms in their dormitory were also shared: Han and Minho in one, Chan, Hyunjin, and Felix in another.

"Good morning Jeongin" Seungmin said softly as he walked into the kitchen. Sleep had soon given way to hunger.
"Hii, 'morning to you!" Jeongin happily replied in a whisper as the two of them surely had no intention of waking the others; Stray Kids had practiced a lot the day before, they all were exhausted.
"What are you doing?" Seungmin asked as he stared at the younger, whom was taking flour off a shelf. "I'm making pancakes", the boy replied while getting some eggs from the fridge.

Seungmin walked a little closer to the boy. Yay, let me help you!", said he in a happy tone, which instantly made Jeongin show his brightest smile.
The two of them quickly washed their hands, for the second time that morning, and started making pancake dough.

About an hour and an half later also Chan, Minho, Han and Changbin woke up due to the loud ringer of Minho's Phone.
Everyone else in the group always used personalized alarms since they hated the default iPhone alarm ringtone. Everyone but Minho, apparently.

"Hyung, I HATE you" Han yelled as he got out of his bed to hit the culprit right in the face using a pillow.

"Han? What? HEYY! It is not MY fault, I was so tired that I forgot to turn it off last night therefore it-", Minho was trying to say (kinda screaming) but Han's feather filled weapon hit his face again.
The two of them giggled.

"I love you"

Minho whispered to himself, face on his pillow, smiling softly. The sentence was like an uncontrolled and automatic reaction to hearing Han's contagious laugh, for which the other boy had always had a soft spot.
'Shit- What did I just say? I'm an idiot. What if he heard that? Oh, fuck me' , he thought.

"Did you say something?" Han asked as he had been too focused on hitting the pillow on the back of his friend's neck to hear his confession.

Minho breathed an unnoticed sigh of relief and answered
"I said .. that I hate you too, dumb squirrel."
The Minho of all time was now back, the one who grumpily replied to almost everyone, although jokingly. In fact, he was one of the kindest people on the planet.

The other, whose face resembled that of a squirrel, smiled knowingly and replied "I perfectly know it".

Minho yawned and settled better on the bed.
He sat and afterwards he looked at Han standing in front of him. The older asked "Uhm..are the others already awake?". "I think so, let's go and check ourselves" Han replied as Minho lazily stood up.

The two, after going to the bathroom one after the other, entered the kitchen where they found Seungmin, Jeongin, Changbin and Chan, the last two had woken up for the same reason as Han.
"Oh you are finally here, Minho and Sungie", Jeongin exclaimed with a little smile as he saw them.

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