Chapter 3

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"Finally..." he breathed, looking around as he entered the small town. He pulledbout his trusty gun, finger on the trigger, itching to shoot anything with movement.

Hearing a groan nearby, he quickly turned and fired, watching the corpse flop on the ground

"Huh?" He stepped closer with caution, noticing that there were few zombies trapped by a fence outside the music shop. Glancing in, he saw a leash on the zombie at the till as well.

"Someone must be doing this" he mumbled, putting his gun away for now as he examined the handiwork "whoever they are...they must be smart"

"I'm in loooooveee with a fairytale! Even though haha it huuuurtssss- WHOO!!" The music was loud, him singing along.
He was currently in a karaoke bar, performing to the few zombies he forced to watch by placing seatbelts on their chairs.
Zombies were dumb, they couldn't use their brains to break free of things- Gary, of course, takes advantage of that.

"Cuz I don't care if I lose my mind- I'malready cursed!" he laughed along the lyrics, proceeding to "sing" the instrumental as well.

Was he drunk? No- tipsy maybe but not drunk.
He needed to be in his right-Gary-mind to function in case of danger, wouldn't want to get bitten by Tottenham teeth while hammered.

"Damn...ran out" Avocato cursed as he shook the empty flask around as he made his way to another shop.

"RAAAAH!" A zombie popped out of his side right at the entrance, making his fur poof up.
He quickly reached for his gun only to find that the zombie couldn't reach him as he was being held back by a pink children's leash.

"O....kay..." he slowly stepped inside while still facing the zombie- did they trap every zombie in town?
Avocato could only assume it was a group of survivors in the area- no sane person would do this by themselves.

Taking another bottle he filled up the flask and decided to keep it in his bag this time as he was going to spend the day in town resting (and hopefully find a transport).

"Alright" he walked back outside, hands on his hips as he looked around the place. He could make it work.
Pulling out his phone, he noticed there were two bars now do he made his way deeper into town, grinning when there were three bars- he's getting closer to the source of network.

Cutting his way through alleys in hopes to finally contact his son (and maybe download some movies on his phone in case of...emergency), Avocato felt himself smile as a single photo of his son and a girl around his age loaded-

"That must be harp" Avocato examined the young girl, her short magenta hair and pale skin "a sepertian huh" he mumbled before frowning reading the messages again...
Was harp lost? No...the way his son never spoke about it...

"She's dead" he sighed

"RAUGHHH" A zombie popped out, clawing his way to Avocato but luckily he dodged just in time

"What the-" he breathed, noticing he was surrounded by zombies- did they not trap them in this area?
Taking a step backwards, Avocato examined his surroundings, he glanced behind him and noticed a ladder- quickly climbing up instead of wasting any more ammo

"Oh...would you look at that" he smiled, noticing a gun shop just across the hoard of zombies "well-" he cooked his gun "better load my baby up"

A gunshot was heard making the blond stop in his tracks.
Gary had been recently choosing another song, the bar left with a deadly quiet after it

"I....don't recall setting off fireworks" Gary laughed anxiously "wait-" he froze, standing properly as he headed to the sit on the stool of the bar

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