part nine

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                      *Bella's pov*

I throw a dart at the dartboard and sigh "Why would I even lean in in the first place? I made a complete fool out of myself and now I can't look at him without thinking about what happened" I say "But do you realize why it's so hard for you to look at him?" elena asks and I sit on the pool table "bells, it's because you have feelings for him. And you've been pushing them away for so long that you're only just now realizing that they're there" she says and I scoff

"Me? Have feelings for Taehyung? Nope." I say and she grabs her pool stick "Fine look at it like this. Say you and Taehyung are on the road looking for supplies. But on the way back you find a girl, so you let her in the car and bring her back here. But you immediately regret saving her as soon as her and Taehyung start hanging out more and getting to know each other." She says "Is there a point to this?" I ask "yes and I'm getting to it" she says and I cross my arms as she continues "He starts ignoring you to focus on her and suddenly you feel the urge to hurt someone, but you keep it inside because you don't wanna lose Taehyung completely"

"So you leave them alone, hoping they'll get annoyed with eachother eventually. But they don't, they start dating and in no time the man's got a ring on her finger and you're left to die alone" she says and hits the ball into the pocket "Okay, that whole analogy was completely unnecessary" kora says "well you got something better?" elena asks "I do" she says and I sigh "Then go for it" elena says "I will." Kora says and looks at me "Let's not beat around the bush. I'm gonna ask you a question, but you need to answer it the best way you can" she says "Okay" I say and wait "How does really he make you feel?" She asks

"confused..." I say and she claps "Well that settles it. You love him" she says and I cough "I'm sorry, how did you get love from her saying that he makes her confused?" elena asks "I mean come on guys. Do you really think we don't see the way you both look at eachother? And bella ever since he tricked you with that almost kiss, I haven't seen you eat any goddamn pizza rolls. Not even ONE. I haven't seen you this sad since you and elena watched train to busan." Kora says and I shake my head "Fine. Say I do love him, what would I even do about it? He's not interested in me like that." I say "how do you know that?" elena asks "trust me, he made that very clear when he tricked me into almost kissing him. I really wanna believe that he might have feelings for me but I just don't think that he does. But thanks for trying" I say and smile slightly before leaving the room

                      *Koras pov*

"Well then I guess we'll just have to find out" I say and set my pool stick down "Maybe we should leave this to bella and Taehyung, they'll only come around when they're both ready to. we shouldn't push it" elena says "Elena, I love you to death. But don't be a buzzkill" I say "I hate you" she says "love you more" I say and grab her arm and pull her out of the room "Okay. Mission, get bella and Taehyung together is a go" I say "Fine but I hope you know that if this goes wrong and bella ends up hating us forever. I'll kill you" she says and I roll my eyes "So overdramatic" I say

                     *Jimin's pov*

I grab the keys off the counter and give kora a thumbs up "hey bella. I might need your help so come with me" I say "Okay, just let me get my shoes" she says and I walk out to the car "are we going in to town?" She asks as she gets in the car and I pull out of the driveway "Yeah" I say and start driving

                      *Bella's pov*

I lean my head against the window and try to block out my thoughts about Taehyung

"You okay over there?" Jimin asks "Yeah, I'm fine" I say "You know you can talk to me right?" He asks and I nod "I know" I say "I noticed you looked a little sad earlier. Did something happen?" He asks "Nothing important" I say "you sure? Cause it seems to me, that it might be a little more important than you're letting on" he says and I roll down my window "is it about Taehyung?" He asks and I look at him shocked "how did you-" I say but he cuts me off "Lucky guess" he says and chuckles

"Look bella. I might not know much about love and things like that. But what I do know is that I've never seen Taehyung as happy as he is when you're around. And I've been around him my whole life. So that's saying alot. But the point I'm trying to make is, I know how you feel about him. And it's not my place to speak your feelings for eachother. So I'll leave the 'i love you's' to you guys." He says and I look at my hands "Taehyungs the kind of guy who hides the way he feels and tries not to get attached" he says "but why?" I ask and he sighs

"Because the last time he got attached, everything was ripped away from him. And now he's just too scared to hold on to anything because he knows how easy it is to lose it. Ever since we were kids he's always been so happy and he refused to see the bad in people. We all used to at some point. But then his mom started drinking, and his dad wouldn't come home until late and sometimes he wouldn't come home at all. And Taehyung was forced to see who people truly were on the inside at a young age. Now I can't tell you anymore because that's not my place.

"But the point is that you make those bad memories go away. Taehyung used to have nightmares every night, and sometimes they were so bad to the point where he just wouldn't sleep. But ever since he met you, he hasn't had a single one. And I know that's alot to take in, and Taehyung might project disinterest when you're around him, but I swear I hear him go on and on about you everyday, he made me swear I wouldn't tell anyone but here we are." He says and I chuckle "I know it's hard to speak up on how you feel but it's worth it in the end. I promise" he says and pulls into the driveway

"How would I even tell him though?" I ask "That up for you to decide, but when you do tell him. Just speak from the heart. Although he'd never tell anyone about it he's lowkey into that corny shit" he says and we both laugh

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