Chapter 12

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"," Amar said tapping my book.

We both are preparing for our tests, Amar has a Pre-School Admissions test coming up while I am preparing to get board certified. My exam is just a week before Amar's birthday which is 2 months away, whereas his test is tomorrow.

Sometimes my brain hibernates whenever there is a work overload, I feel the same now. I have to prepare for an Oral and written test for the board certification, I have 7 surgery reports to write, and 2 papers to publish. With all these on my mind, I don't feel like doing anything. I just wanna close everything and go take a nap.

"I don't feel like studying Amar," I pouted and closed the book. I went into the kitchen to grab something to eat.

Ughh... I sighed looking at my sad fridge. Note to mental self, make a grocery run tomorrow. I dug out the good old Ben and Jerry's Totally Unbaked Ice cream, put it in two bowls one for each, and walked back to the study table.

"Ish..cream!" Amar squealed from his chair looking at my hands.

Amar has difficulty saying some words and ice cream is one of them, he looks so cute struggling with words like this.

"I love you! Mama." He yelled and kissed me snatching the bowl from my hands.

I quietly munched on my ice cream looking at my son whose head is in the bowl licking the last ounce left in it.

"Can we meet Andy mama? I miss him!" He pleaded with me using his googly eyes.

It's been a month since we saw Andrew, Amar keeps asking me about Andrew and how he wants to meet him. I tried my best to distance myself from him, I took up extra shifts in the hospital and kept Amar with me at the hospital at that time.

I avoided seeing him or meeting him ever since the night he professed his love for me. I didn't know what to tell him, and he didn't ask me for an answer either. He tried to contact me after but I dodged all his calls by staying busy.

Somewhere in the back of my heart, I felt happy that I was loved too but then sometimes you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve and I don't deserve a nice person like Andrew. If life has taught me anything, it was to guard myself against falling in love and trusting people again.

Andrew deserves to be loved and cherished and I don't know if I have enough love that he deserves. All my love and tears have been used up on the people who didn't care enough for me. But I will remember his words forever, that was the sweetest thing one ever said to me in the last decade.

 "Why don't I drop you at Amy's tomorrow after your test and you can meet Andrew there and have a sleepover with Alex ?"I asked him and he nodded excitedly.

Jameson went to Europe with Harish Uncle for some business meeting which means Andrew is gonna stay with Amy. Alex and Amar being the same age are best friends now, they do everything together. I hope they stay like that forever and be there for each other.

After a few minutes of pushing myself to read, I gave up, put Amar to bed, and settled beside him. Amar thinks of Andrew as a father figure and he will be the most affected person by our relationship. I can't separate them because of my insecurities, so let's see how it goes tomorrow with that thought I dozed off into my slumber.

I woke up to my alarm, we both got ready and I waited out while Amar did his test, that was the first exam in my boy's life and he did really well according to the principal. I dropped him at Amaya's by 12 and drove back to the hospital.

I didn't have any surgeries scheduled today, so I did my rounds with Rowan, Mark and Chaya came back to my office, and completed 4 surgery reports.

And now I'm working on the paper about a recent case we had with Rowan, as he wanted to contribute to my study and research.  His residency will be done next year and will be joining his fellowship here.

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