Chapter 15

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"Ms.Abrams, you can leave. I won't be working this weekend and neither is Jameson. So you can take a rest and have some fun maybe." I told her, closing the last file by signing it.

Ms.Abrams is a small petite girl with thick-rimmed glasses, always shy. Theresa told me that she was in desperate need of a job, so I made her my secretary even though we didn't need one.

She has been working really hard, I know it's her first month, but she looks like she has no social life.

And I don't believe in being rude to people, mostly the ones you work with.

I finally closed all the deals, completed the paperwork, and leaned back on the chair. Just a few more documents to be signed and we will be good for the day.

"Thank you, Mr.Jones. I will take leave then." She said and got up from the chair and left.

I walked to Jameson's room, whose head is buried in the computer screen.

"Dude! I am leaving. Are you not done yet?"

"I have to sign a bunch of files for the merger. I also have to finalize the new bid with the State and with Apple." He said looking back and forth from his screen.

"I already checked the bids, go ahead and sign them and I also completed the paperwork for our new branch in New York. Just relax."

"You are my savior man! I've been drowning with work ever since we came back from California. I haven't had the chance to go to the hospital." He sighed.

I went to him to sit with him for some time and cheer him up. I know he has his legs on 3 boats sailing in completely different directions. That's the reason I step up when it comes to Global Tech. We have already expanded Global Tech to 27 states her 10 countries and now we are marking New York too.

"Relax! When are you starting for New York?" I asked him to divert his mind from work.

"We will be there at the party and then fly back. Maya's strict warning was to interact very less with you and Divya, so you can have more time together."

"She is being a baby along with all of them, it's like I have 4 kids. Last week they all ganged up on me, made me take them out at midnight for a drive."  He said with a smile glued to his face.

Amaya is the only person who can put a smile on his face. I stayed there talking to him, till he signed everything and completed all his work.

I drove back to my house, I will be staying with Divya and Amar tomorrow, just the thought of spending the next few days with her elates me. I fucking love her and I can't seem to get her out of my mind.

After confessing my love to her, she avoided me like a plague for a month. I didn't know what to do that month I felt like I made a mistake by telling her but at the same time, I couldn't refrain from doing that. She deserves to know my real intentions.

But ever since we met at the hospital, she changed. She is letting me in, small gestures like letting me stay at her place, and hugging me are enough for me. I'm going to glue her broken heart back, make it mine, and protect it like it's a treasure.

I looked at the clock and it was 7:30 PM, I picked up my phone and called her.

After my little staycation at her house, I feel like we've gotten closer than we've been in the last 3 years. I wish I could've done this earlier she would've been mine by now.

Oh god! I am addicted to her, her smell, her smile, her anger, and every single thing about her. Loving her is the drug that keeps me alive.

"Hello," She said in an angelic voice making me feel alive.

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