Chapter 1

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"Hello, Amma(Mom)! I don't wanna be married to Jay anymore. I want to apply for a divorce." I told my mother after what happened today. I can't do this anymore. I thought I got into a happy marriage, but it took me months to realize that my marriage was not typical.

"What do you mean by divorce Divya? You do know how much disgrace that brings to our family right? What will I tell your Dad? Let me talk to Jay and fix your problems." She said to me in an angry tone.

I couldn't talk, what should I say? Why can't they understand me? I have been listening to them from the start, but it just gave me pain.

"Divorce is not the easy way Chinnu(baby), You know that. Dad and your grandma are going to kill you. Please listen to me and come home for a few days. You will feel fine. I will talk to Jay." She said in a sad and desperate tone.

"Maa! Please understand me. He violated me and ruined my life. Please Maa, help me get a divorce. I don't wanna live with him. It feels like I'm a prisoner and his slut." I sobbed through all the words hoping she might understand me.

"Chinnu(baby)... stop crying! I will talk to Jay and set him straight. Stop thinking about divorce, your dad and grandma won't let you live. They will kill us. Try and understand Jay maybe he will change for you." She tried to console and push me back into this marriage.

After hearing that I felt the earth beneath me was not there anymore and I was being pulled into an abyss. I couldn't breathe anymore, I wanted to take a comforter and sleep and wake up from this bad dream.

"I won't live with him anymore Maa. I did whatever I could for the past year and I'm done doing everything for you and this society. I don't care what you tell everyone. I can get a divorce by myself if you don't want to support that's fine. At least stop trying to get me back with him after what he did to me." I yelled at my mother with anger and tears jumping through my eyes.

"I can't and choose not to live like you anymore. He abused me physically and mentally and you are saying that I should go back to him, the monster you guys married me off to? You don't feel my pain, All you are worried about dad. You don't have to worry about me anymore. I'm leaving this house and you guys forever. GOODBYE." I yelled and threw my phone to the wall and broke it not able to hold the anger.

I have to get away from all these toxic people in my life. What do I do now? All my life I was always a good daughter. I did whatever my parents asked me to. I went to the school they sent me, and I married the guy they wanted. All I asked was for them to support and stand by me during my hard times. When do they understand that I'm not a doll? Please god, help me in this. Where do I go now? I can't talk to anyone about this, I have to run away from here but where to?

This is not the time to cry I said to myself and brushed the tears off my face. I packed my bags and started to walk out of this apartment. That's when I saw a picture of me and Jay with Amaya and Jameson on the day of my wedding it was on the fridge.

Amaya is my cousin, she asked me if I was sure about marrying Jay, but I just brushed her off. I strongly believed that Jay was the one that day, I gave him countless chances to redeem himself, but he never changed.

She called me after marriage but I didn't pick up her calls because of Jay. I should call her and she is the only person no one would expect me to go to. I went to the nearby store bought a new phone and started dialing her number.

"Hello! This is Andrew Amaya's friend. She is busy in the kitchen right now. I can pass on your message if you want." Said a guy with an American accent.

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