Chapter 30

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"What the heck Amy? What's wrong with you?" I yelled at her as she poured a ton of water on me.

I jumped out of the bed not wanting to sleep in a soaking wet bed.

"Stop moping around in the bed and get up. It's almost 12. I am not encouraging you sulking anymore. It's time to get my best friend back." She said pulling the mattress out.

Before I could open my mouth and say no to her

"I don't want to listen to your stupid excuses anymore. I get it and everyone in the world gets it that Divya left you. But that's not end of the world, stop acting like a freakazoid and shower. You stink! "  She said pushing me into the bathroom.

After Divya and Amar left me alone, I didn't step in to the office or my house or anywhere, I feel like there is no purpose to my life anymore. I keep groaning and rolling on the bed all the time. Amy took me to her house and I never stepped out if this room.

My dad, Madeleine and Hannah moved here to look after me. Divya is the reason I made up with my dad, and she is not here to see how close we got.

Every single thing in my life reminds me of her. I should hate her, for what she did to me, for making me hate my life, for leaving me here. But the truth is I just can't hate her. She is my everything and she took a part of me with her and I let her do that to me.

"It is the end of the world for me Amy! You don't understand the pain I am going through right now. She was the one thing I really cared about, she meant to me more than anything else in the world. I risked my everything, I put her above my life, my heart and my future and it didn't matter to her. She left me alone. Whatever I did wasn't enough for her." I said looking at myself in the mirror, all the happiness inside me died the moment she thought of leaving me.

It's been 10 days 15 hours and 45 minutes since I saw Divya and Amar. Every single time I look at Alex, it reminds of Amar on how he is doing. I fucking miss her and my little man.

"Andrew, listen to me. I understand your pain more than anyone. I know you feel like giving up but you should not. Divya wouldn't want you to turn this way. Please get ready, we have to get to the court for the adoption, you are our adoption reference and they can't be adopted without their godfather right?" She asked me and I agreed with her.

Divya would hate to see me like this.

"Shave that stupid beard off, I can grown one better than yours." She said and locked the door behind her making me smile at that stupid comment.

This is the first time I smiled after she left. But I don't feel like I deserve to smile.

I am doing this for Amy and Jameson and the kids. I have to be happy for them. Just like Amy asked me to, I cleaned myself up for her and walked downstairs and settled beside Elena in the couch.

"Uncle Andrew! You came downstairs. I missed you" Elena snuggled closer to me putting her iPad away.

She has been my cheerleader lately. She slept with me every night and cheers me up after her school.

"Aww, Honey loops! I missed you too." I said hugging her tight and pulling her into my lap.

"I thought I was your cinnamon bun." She asked looking at me with her doey eyes.

"You are my cookie and you are my cream too! " I said giving her a new names and she rolled her eyes at me.

"What do you want as gift for today?" I asked her.

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