Chapter 32

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It's been 2 days since I came back from India. Everyone here is angry with me for leaving me without informing anyone. Amaya and Jameson fought because of me. Jameson knew about my arrival and didn't tell her as I asked him not to.

Andrew is still angry with me, he is not back to his to normal self with me. He makes snide comments about me leaving him just to make it hard on me. But when it comes to Amar every one is more than good. Shaurya and Ana took Amar to his place.

While my son has been enjoying all the attention, I am sitting here all alone in this house.I am calling Amaya now to ask for a truce, and to help me with Andrew as She is his best friend.

"I am not talking to you." Amaya said as soon as she picked up the call.

"I know and I am sorry Ammu! I had to do it. Please.." I pleaded her.

"Stop being angry at her Maya, she didn't do it on purpose." Jameson defended me.

I am always thankful for Jameson, he is not much of a talker but he always does stand by me without any questions like a brother.

"Guess where you are sleeping tonight? on the couch." She said and I feel guilty for causing their fight again.

"Talk to me Ammu, don't be mad at Jamie, I asked him not to tell you. I really need your help with Andrew." I requested her.

"I am doing this for Andrew, not you. And what the heck are you still doing at your place? Go to his house and live with him, do I have to spoon feed you every thing." She started and gave me all the details on how to win Andrew back.

I looked at the clock after the call and it was 9:13 PM. I knew Amar won't be back with me anytime soon because after Shaurya's place he is going to stay at Vasudha Pinni's and then Amaya's. That means a lot of time for me to work on Andrew and my relationship.

I packed my bag and drove to Andrew's place. Amy gave me his garage code, and I went it and looked downstairs, basement but I couldn't find him anywhere. His car is in the garage and where is this man?

I walked to his room and found him sleeping peacefully on his bed hugging the comforter without any care of the world. I went into the guest room and changed into my PJ's and sat there thinking if I should go into his room.

What's the purpose of me coming here if we live in separate rooms?

This is not the old me, I am going in. I went into his room and settled on the bed beside him, if he wants a wild side of mine I am going to give him that.

I scooted closer to him, put all my weight on the elbow and started looking at his face. What did I do to land myself such an amazing man?

I always thought why did my father pick a Jay in a world with Andrew and Jameson, now I know why? That's because I had to pick it myself and I can't trust anyone with my life's choices. I will choose this Andrew forever because he brings out the best in me.

I kissed him on the forehead and I was about to turn back and sleep when he pulled me onto him. I landed on him, half of my body is  on him and I can literally feel his skin on me which hitched my breath as I touched it to confirm whether he has clothes on. Looks like he doesn't have his shirt on. Wow! his skin is so soft and smooth.

"When did you come here? That's not what you call a kiss." Saying that Andrew placed his lips on me.

I could feel his minty breath, his hand came to my face and pushed the hair strand on my face and tucked it behind my ear. His fingers slowly traced my spine making my body shiver in agony of what's coming next.

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