Chapter 25

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It's been three days since Jay came into all our lives and started pushing us to edges by sending court notices and filing law suits against us for Amar's parental rights.

Right now Divya and me are in a meeting with Mr.Jacob King to discuss on to how to fight back. The main problem is Divya didn't file a divorce, that makes her legally that bastard's wife. We were all in a hurry to get her out of India from her parents clutch. I never thought of filing for divorce.

So, we have two problems at hand now. one is Divya is still legally married to Jay, Which makes Amar their child. We don't have any physical proof that Divya was abused and raped, the only favor on our side is Jay pushing Amar down at the hospital which will categorize him under abusive parent.

We all have been cracking our heads from the morning to get out of this safely within an hour before we start the meeting with Jay and his team of Lawyers.

I turned towards Divya who has a devastated look on her face, so I walked to her side and held her hand.

"It's okay Divya! We won't give Amar to him. Don't worry." I said to her.

"I am scared Andrew." She whispered holding me tighter.

"We've been working on ways for the last 24 hours but we don't have one solid plan." She sighed looking at the bunch of lawyers walking and talking in a hurry.

"Look at me, I will find a way Divya! I don't care what it takes but I won't let him near Amar and You. Go freshen up and put your strong suit on." I said pushing her into the nearest bathroom.

I talked to my dad, Jameson and updated them on the situation. Jameson said he has a plan and will be here in 20 min. My phone started ringing as I was waiting for dad and it was Amaya.

"My grandpa did send out a signed divorce petition to Jay. I remember him doing that." Amaya said panting.

This is the first good news of the day.

"Jacob! Divya's grandpa did send Jay a signed divorce petition 4 years back." I ran to the meeting room and informed him.

"Do have a copy of it?" He asked me.

"I should have it. All my grandparents stuff is in the storage room and I am going through them with Pinni(Aunty). I will send it you as soon as I get my hands on it." She said and cut the call.

Phew! That's amazing. At least someone thought about future and did something good. After a few minutes Amaya sent me the document and I shared it with the team. And now we all are in the meeting room waiting for Jay and his lawyers. It was Jacob, Dad, Divya, Me and Jameson on one side.

"Just keep quiet and let me do the talking." Jacob said to me as we heard the door knob move.

Jay and another Indian old man came in with a 3 other lawyers and sat on the other side of the table. I looked at Divya who's eyes are on the old Indian man.

"That's Divya's father." Jameson whispered in my ear as I kept staring between them.

Divya's father is glaring at her, while she lowered her head down after some time. Is she feeling guilty?

I held her hand under the desk to assure her, she lifted her head up to look at me with her eyes filled with tears. I squeezed her hand tight while she nodded at me.

"Okay! Let's start." Jacob told everyone and shuffled through his papers.

Just like dad said Jacob was really the best, he was killing them with his arguments.

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