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     They say people go to Paris for love... Some for the fame and money... Others because of the beauty and attractions... I didn't come here for any of those reasons... My mom is a famous producer of my music... my dad is some business guy for the company and is always gone... I never wanted to move... So why? Why did we come here? We had a happy life in America but when we moved here.... everything became.. sad.. all because I met him.

    "Y/N sweetheart! Wake up we gotta go!"

     Cold, that's all I felt now. It used to be so warm

     "I'm up!!" I shouted groggily. I laid still on my bed, not wanting to leave the cozy warmth of the burrito blanket I was in.

     "Sweety... come on we can't be late," My mom walked into my f/c-colored room.

    "I don't wanna go," I whined like a child. This was my usual mood in the morning unless it was that time of the month.

    "It's just a tour, you won't be there forever," My mom rolled her eyes, walking across my room to my blinds. With a quick snap of the strings, the sunlight shot through the cracks of the blinds and lit up my room like a spotlight. Warmth

    "Aaah!" I screamed dramatically and grabbed the nearest pillow. With all the force in my lazy arms, I threw it toward the window, hoping it would magically become dark again.

   "Oh, get up and get changed," My mom laughed and walked out of the room, and gently closed the door. I puffed my cheeks in disappointment and whipped my blankets off my body.

   After getting changed into a black skirt, knee-high socks, white shirt, and f/c flannel, I grabbed the last of my accessories and stuffed them into my bag. I glanced quickly into my room.

     Most of the items such as posters, my vinyl collection and record player, my clothes, lights, and decorations were gone. Mom said that I could just buy everything and move it to our house in Paris, but it wouldn't feel like home without the original items.

    Closing the door behind me, the smell of fresh blueberry muffins clouded my nose and my eyes became soft and happy. I walked to the stairs, sat on the railing, and boosted myself off of it.

   Getting to the first floor of my house, I saw the kitchen, my mom, and... oh no.

   Seeing him caught me off guard and I almost tripped on my landing. Luckily I caught myself and stood up straight gracefully like I was planning that. I looked past him and at the marble island in my dark wood kitchen.

     "Can I have one?" I questioned, eyeing the neatly stacked muffins on a plate.

   "Geez, morning to you as well Y/N," he snickered.

    "Go to hell," I smiled innocently and walked over to the muffins. The smell placed me in a trance as I edged closer to it. Before I could reach it, I saw hands swipe the plate and disappear before me.

   "Y/N..." I looked up to see my mom with that famous angry mom face. I grunted in response and defeat and looked at the muffins with tears in my eyes. I turned around to see his similar white messy hair and his dorky smile.

     "Morning..." I grunted and quickly turned around to snatch the blueberry muffin. I took a bite out of it and he started to talk.

     "When were you planning on saying goodbye to me huh?" He nudged my shoulder.

     "Never," I managed to reply with the muffin in my mouth.

     "Ouch," He pretended to be hurt.

    "Oh quit it Ein," I punched his side.

     "I surrender!!" He rose his hands in defeat and laughed. I rolled my eyes and he grabbed a muffin as well.

     After talking to Ein for a while, mom said that we had to leave for the plane. My dad wasn't going to be with us because he was already in Paris talking business. I saw the black limo outside of my house and the paparazzi and fans crowding the entrance and driveway.

    "Yikes... good luck with that," Ein told me and patted my head. He was tall for a teenager. Like... tall. He played baseball as a hobby and I betted that was it.

   "Whatever, get out of here," I pushed him away. He pulled me into a hug instead before I could've forced him away.

  "I want a hug first!" He smiled and waited for me to hug him back. I wrapped my arms around his waist due to his height and then let go.

   "There you got one, now get outta here," I shouted, seeing the flashes of the cameras ahead.

     "Alright, fine! Bye Mrs. L/N, Y/N. I'll text you later okay? And say hi to your dad for me," He waved to my mom and then to me and walked back toward the gate. I saw him grab his skateboard near the gate, climb it, and then jump off of it. He shouted something toward the crowd and hopped onto his skateboard, leading the crowd away from the limo.

    "I wish he would stop hopping the fence," I heard my mom whisper, her brown hair slightly blowing in the soft wind.

    "He's just like that, leave him alone," I laughed, brushing my hair back into a low ponytail. My mom locked the door to our white manor behind us and we walked to the limo. The gate opened upon our arrival and our driver walked out in her black suit.

     "Hi, Mrs. and Miss- Y/N, your limo is ready!" She smiled at us. Her usual blonde hair was pulled back in a low bun with strands covering her face.

    "Thanks, Nico!" I smiled back at her. She opened the doors for us and we crawled into the back seat of the black limo. Then, she started the slow drive to the airport.

    It was a cool spring morning and the wind and clouds made it feel like winter. The grey clouds crowded the sky, showing indications of nothing more than a light drizzle. The green leaves on the trees sway in the same direction as the wind, some leaves falling. Then the trees disappeared and city lights, towers of shops, movie theaters, and banners appeared in their place. The scene slowly folded out to a tall white building and planes lifting up behind it, as a slight drizzle descended from the heavens.

     "Hope this won't jeopardize the trip," My mom looked straight up at the clouds as cool droplets of rain fell on both of us. I tucked my hair in my hood and pulled it up as I looked up to the sky and closed my eyes. I took a deep huff of breath as I consumed the smell of rain.

     "Nah, I don't hear thunder so we're good," I told her and grabbed my bag. Nico carried my mom's last bag as well as hers. She trailed behind us as my mom and I led the way inside.

     After going through the whole process of everything needed at the Airport, we were soon sitting in our private plane.

     I sat down looking out the mirror, hearing the patter of the drizzle.

     "Paris... huh. I wonder what will happen..."

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