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The keyboard clacked at Bill's touch. Pressing matters had shaken him from the somber mood that had defined the weekend. Emily had been moved back in with her mother and Bill struggled to rationalize Olivia's suggestion from Friday night's dream. The busy morning tasks had come to an end, and he searched for other things to keep him occupied as he waited for the noon hour to come around. Emily's usual call to setup lunch had come and gone and was followed by a call from Heather moments later.

"I called you back, but I guess you called me from your home line," Heather said. "I left you a message on your answering machine, but figured I'd call your cell anyway. So, you want to talk?"

"Yes, please! This has been killing me," Bill replied.

"So, you had these dreams with Olivia and that waitress, what was her name again?"


"Oh, that's a nice name. Anyway, so Olivia is what, pushing you to ask this Matilda out on a date?"

"She says Matilda is the one. Why would I be dreaming of her insisting I do this?"

"Okay, I'm sure you have the answer to that question, you just don't realize it. Think about it. She was your wife, but she was also a friend that you probably looked to for support and answers, and someone you trusted. Her opinion mattered. And, it isn't really Olivia, she's just a figure in YOUR dream."

"Yeah, I see your point."

"Okay, there's more to it than that, so think on it a bit, but not too much, don't let it consume you. Enjoy your day too. I gotta go! Call me later and let me know what answers you came up with."

Bill sat for a few minutes, letting Heather's comments brew in his mind for a while before he left to meet Emily for lunch at the Chinese buffet a block away. They wasted no time at the table before queuing up to fill their plates. As he scooped up some Ginger Chicken, Bill dropped the usual idle buffet line chit chat and asked, "What do you think of Matilda?"

Emily grinned and replied, "I thought you were ignoring me yesterday?"

"What? When?"

"Yesterday. After we left... Roger's place, I sort of hinted..."

"Hinted what?" Bill scowled as he paused at the spring rolls.

"I just said I thought there was maybe someone that..."

"Why didn't you just come out with it?"

"Don't you remember the boyfriend rule?"

"The boyfriend rule only applied to you. It didn't really need to apply to Olivia or... me," Bill said of the agreement. "So? What do you think?"

"Okay, well, I think she's really sweet, and she's definitely into you. The flirting and the way you play off of each other. You really should ask her out."

The conversation was interrupted by a question from the man in front of Bill who wondered if he knew what was in next dish.

"It looks like another one of Mr. Lim's creations," Bill said as he inspected the dish. "Looks like fish, I think. They're usually good but pretty spicy."

The conversation remained on hold until Bill and Emily had settled in at the table.

"Like I said, I think you should at least go and talk to her. It might be a little awkward, asking her out at her work and all, but..."

"It's going to be awkward no matter where or when. I've never had to do this before."

"I know, but like my mom says, if you are afraid of the thorns, you'd never pick a rose."

After OliviaWhere stories live. Discover now