Chapter 2: The Plan

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Spirit had at some point fallen asleep, he had been inside the game for so long he forgot that was a thing he needed to do. He woke up and saw Daddy Dearest was working on the plan still, he decided to would attempt to help, he had nothing better to do.

"Hey." Spirit spoke, hoping that got his attention.

"Hmm..? Oh, hey." Daddy Dearest responded, he sounded exhausted.

"You look like shit."

"I haven't been getting enough sleep, not that you care."

"I do if your the one making the plan to 'save the world'. Move over, I'm helping you."

"Fine, only because I'm too tired for this shit. The plan so far is to figure out what their weakness is. We also need to find a safehouse, one with food and running water. All our food either went bad or got eaten, so we have to act fast."

"Are they only in this town?" Spirit asked.

"As far as I'm aware, yes."

"Then we have to keep them inside the town. There's a train downtown, no? So we need to block that traintrack, it's the fastest way out of town."

"This feels more like a suicide mission." Daddy Dearest commented.

"It probably is, but you said we were saving the world, not watching it go to shit."


There was a bit of silence before Spirit continued.

"But also, the highway would need to be blocked off or they can leave through there."

"Right. Noted. So what about finding a safe house?"

"There's a underground strip club just across the road, it's also pretty close to the train station. Nobody really knows about it either so that's good."

"Why the fuck do you know about a secret strip club?"

"My mom worked there, obviously."

"...Right. In any case, we need to get moving now, I've packed some essential supplies and I took the game Senpai came from, so we should be good to go. I also stole it's backpack, thing has a shit ton of space."

"Right, I'll go wake him up and we can leave whenever."

"Senpai. Senpai, wake up, we're leaving."

"Nnh..? Just five more minutes..." Senpai rolled over, and fell onto the ground.

"Ow..! I'm up, I'm up!" Senpai wasn't used to feeling this kind of pain, not since Spirit had... Did him in.

"Good. You can take the blanket with, we're going to a safer spot."

"Ok! Wait, where's my bag?"

"He has it, don't worry he didn't go through it."

"Ok good, so we have a plan right?"

"Sorta..? I'll explain on the way, just be careful, ok? Here, I found this pocket knife, keep it in case you get ambushed."

"Alright, let's get going!"

And with that the three of them were off, hopeful of this plan even if it was vague and filled with uncertainty.

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