Chapter 5: Pink Tears

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A/N: I should mention two things! One is no Garcello in this story because I wrote this before he came out, and it'd be difficult to include him. And two, madness combat doesn't exist in this universe because then the story would literally just be 'Tricky and Hank kill everyone the end' and yea that's not ideal-

     Senpai spent most of his time talking to Hex before they all realized it was getting late. Spirit and Daddy Dearest sat around in silence, while most people talked in small groups.

"Excuse me everyone? I think we should all get some rest, it's getting late!" Sarv spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention.

"She's right. Bedrooms are to the left, split them how you'd like, or you can sleep out here."

"Actually, Ruv? I'm going to go into the room with the LED light so I can keep on doing research!" Hex exclaimed.

"Cool, I guess."

"Why do you need be near LED lights?" Senpai asked.

"Oh! It's because I run on solar power, but it's hard to get sunlight when we can't leave the safehouse!"

"The LED lights are for the greenhouse, it's not big but it gives us more fresh air! In case if by some chance the rest of nature parishes..." Sarv explained.

     Everyone seemed satisfied with that response, although Senpai didn't exactly understand why they needed plants but he assumed it was so things were more lively.

"Alright, we should call it a day now! Bathroom is right next to the first bedroom, sleep well everyone!"

     In the end Senpai ended up in the same bedroom as Spirit, Daddy Dearest, and the scarecrow. Him and Daddy Dearest got the two beds, Spirit explained he didn't sleep laying down and the scarecrow was... quiet, he just said that they could have the beds with no reason why. Senpai quickly fell asleep, and everyone else followed suit.

     It was dark, dark and cold. The trees wilted as his vision grew red, his body fell over as an overwhelming pain ran through it. He grabbed his face, it was burning, he felt like he was melting. Because he was, his face cracked open, he screamed, cried for help but nobody listened. He watched, or tried to watch, as he left his body, killing him in the process. He was going to die, in the cold darkness, all alone and-

     Senpai awoke with a startled jump, he was in tears and in a cold sweat. It took him a moment to realize it was just a bad dream. At least, this time it was. He started to calm down when he noticed something strange. The bed was stained pink. If Senpai was wearing makeup, or if he had some kind of drink on him, this would make sense. But this wasn't the case, so why was it pink?

     He decided to try and feel around, maybe figure out why it was pink when he noticed his hand and nearly screamed. His hand was black, full on black and he quickly examined his other hand to find the same thing. Why is this happening, what is this what did I do??

"Your finally awake."

     The voice cut through his thoughts, and Senpai quickly jumped up, he looked around to see that the scarecrow was still up. "Gh- wait, I can explain, please don't tell anyone else!"

"Pretty sure you can't explain. I can explain if you'd like."

"How... how would you know anything..?"

"I was watching you guys sleep, saw the whole thing."

"And you weren't sleeping because..?"

"I don't need sleep."

"Oh... Then what exactly did you see..?"

"Saw you transform in your sleep. Looked like you were trying to protect yourself from something. Probably because you were having a bad dream."

"Oh... Wait- then that means I'm- I'm one of them!?"

"Shh, your gonna wake them up. But nah, I don't think that's the case. Looks like you just made a disguise."

"What makes you think that..?"

"Because you still have control over yourself. The ones out there can't control themselves, at least not fully."

"Right... I- I trust that but... please don't tell anyone about this..?"

"Alright, promise. Also, I should probably introduce myself, since we're already making promises. Name's Zardy, hope you don't mind me sticking around you for a bit."

"Of course, you can stay if you want to..! But, why me of all people..?"

"Your the least annoying one here, anyone else is either obnoxious or they have trust issues of some kind. Or they're completely untrustworthy. Also we have more in common then you'd think."

"Oh... I, I don't mean to sound rude but-"

"It's cool. You get some rest, I already know that's what you were gonna say. We can talk more tomorrow, till then you need the energy."

"Right, I'll talk to you tomorrow!"

     Senpai slowly drifted off to sleep, he prayed that his disguise would go away by tomorrow morning. As soon as Senpai was out, Zardy grabbed his bag.

"I'm certain I'm right, but just to make sure..." Zardy searched through Senpai's stuff, until he found exactly what he was looking for.

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