Chapter 4: New Friends and Old Foes

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     The three of them had quickly turned around to see who had saved them, only to look up and see a person with a bomb-like head, wearing a dark blue hoodie and orange pants.

     Daddy Dearest knew this guy, Whittmore, an ex rockstar that back in the day, he had been on good terms with. Nowadays, the two were rivals, so why did he save them?

"Why did you-"

"Shh! This place isn't soundproof, shut up and keep moving foward or they'll hear us." Whitty whispered as the three moved foward.

     It was dark, far too dark for anyone's liking, until they hit seemingly another dead end. Whitty took a remote control out of his pocket and pressed a button, and the wall opened to reveal a group of people in a dimly lit room.

"You've found another survivor..?" one person asked, they sounded feminine, although it was hard to see due to the only light being a candlelight.

"Three. They almost got caught, saved them just in time."

"Can we turn on the lights? The candle isn't going to burn much longer." A more robotic voice spoke up, sounding slightly scared.

"I got the lights." A russian sounding voice said, and with that the lights were switched on to reveal the group of survivors. There were quite a few people, most of them looked either scared or confused, and then they looked at the trio.

     Many faces turned to disgust or shock, until someone spoke up. It was the robotic voice from earlier,

"Hello there! You guys can have a seat, there are a few of us here but I'm sure things will be fine! My name's Hex, by the way!"

"Nice to meet you, Hex! I'm Senpai, the red ghost is Spirit, and the demon is Daddy Dearest! I hope we aren't bothering anyone by being here!"

"No no, of course not!" The more feminine voice spoke up. "My name's Carol, we're glad you guys are survivors, you seem pretty strong!"

"Great... So who exactly is the leader around here..?" Spirit asked, not wanting to hear random chit chat.

"..." Silence, nobody spoke up.

"S'no leader. None of us took the role, we're all too scared. Name's Ruv, by the way."

"Before you ask why, it's not just that we're scared..!" Carol explained, "It's also that... None of us have ever really led anything except Miku... As far as I'm aware, anyway... But she's been traumatized ever since her brother... Got corrupted." Carol pointed to the corner Miku was sitting in, she looked lifeless, like she hadn't slept in days.

"Here, I baked some banana bread, you guys want any?" Hex said cheerfully, trying to lighten up the mood. "Here Miku, you need to eat too!" Miku didn't even attempt to grab anything, she just sat there.

"Hex, you seem like you'd make a great leader!" Senpai exclaimed.

"Oh no no, I couldn't! I can cheer people up but I'm not good at planning..!"

"Darn, maybe you could be co leader..?"

"Excuse me, I don't mean to interupt but... Does he have to be here of all people?" a lady in a nun outfit asked, pointing at Daddy Dearest.

"I agree, it's clear nobody here really likes him anyway." A scarecrow looking guy added, and suddenly mostly everyone (aside from Hex, Miku and Carol) was staring at him.

"Geez, first Spirit and now these guys? The hell did you do to get do much hate?"

"He's a petty, overprotective dick." Spirit explained.

"Shut your fucking mouth, you good for nothing blood stain."

"Make me."

"Oh it's on..!"

     The two were about to fight when someone spook over them.

"Attention, cocksuckers, I have an announcement to make!" Everyone turned around to see Tankman.

"We've gone too long without a leader, so I'm officially taking over!"

"Full offense, but what kind of experience do you have with leading anything?" Whitty questioned.

"Way more then you do, you anger issued cockless loser! I happen to be a military leader, and I know exactly how we are going to fight off those virgins outside!"

"You do?" Multiple people said in unison.

"The plan's simple. There's a military camp a few town away from here. If we get there, we can gather my men and a shitton of tanks and weapons. Then, we blast their asses!"

"How do we know that'll work?"

"There's no way they can survive a tank, trust me!"

"Absolutely not." Someone spoke up, and everyone looked to see Miku had spoken up.

"What was that? Couldn't hear you over your own moaping!"

"I SAID absolutely not. You're suggesting I KILL my own brother? Our families, our loved ones, they're all inside of those corrupted shells! I refuse to kill my own brother because of something completely out of his control!"

"Sorry but those are YOUR family and friends. My friends are at that military camp, and I'm going there whether you like it or not."

     Soon enough the room was split between whether or not Tankman's plan was a good idea or not.

     Meanwhile, Senpai felt himself get dizzy, everyone was fighting and he felt like he was going crazy. Oh god, make it stop PLEASE make it stop I don't want this! His head was screaming at him now, and just as he thought he was going to faint, or snap, or something was going to happen, someone spoke up.

"You guys know not everyone has to die right." Ruv spoke, and despite sounding calm his voice was loud enough to make the whole room shake, thus catching everyone's attention.

"We don't?" Tankman asked, "What's your plan, exactly?"

"Kill the person behind all this."

"Person..? You mean someone is behind all of this..?" Miku asked, confused.

"Think bout it. All this started randomly a month ago. This 'virus', is too strong to be natural. Is clearly someone's fault, if we kill em after finding out what the cure is, then we only kill one person."

"What do we do until then..?" Carol asked.

"...Hex, your a robot right?" Sarv asked, "You think you can do some research, online or something? Maybe something similar has happened in the past."

"On it!" Hex replied before proceeding to search stuff up, different screens popping up as he started doing research.

"Till then, we should get going to that military base. Should be supplies n shit there, right Tankman?" Ruv explained.

"Damn right there is!"

"You two should be the leaders, Ruv and... What's your name?"

"Oh, my name is Sarv!"

"Yeah, you two are our best bet for leaders right now!"

"Fine, guess we got no choice. Get some rest, chi chat or whatever, we leave tomorrow."

And with that everyone went off and did their own thing, as they prepared for the big adventure ahead of them.

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