Chapter 8: The Voice of Self Awareness

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     It had been a few hours since then, and surprisingly enough nobody had really complained. Suddenly, however, Tankman had stopped walking, and everyone looked at him, confused mumbles and glances were spread throughout the group.

"Listen here slackers! We can't stay out in the open too long, so we're gonna camp out in these buildings! Split up into groups, I could care less how you do it but no more then four to a group!" Tankman explained and surprisingly enough nobody argued or complained.

     In the end the groups were the same as the sleeping arangements from the night before. Senpai, Zardy, Spirit, and Daddy Dearest were alone now, and needed to discuss a plan of action.

"Don't mean to state the obvious here but we can't just pick a place and stay there. We're gonna have to split up and search the building, make sure none of those freaks are there too." Daddy Dearest explained, and Spirit quickly objected.

"Now hold on! If you really think it's dangerous as is then what's to say they can't attack us in our sleep? Either way we're screwed!" Before Daddy Dearest could argue back Zardy quickly spoke up.

"I can keep watch, Mr. Ex rockstar has a point. I don't need sleep so we can search the area, get something to eat and then you guys can get some rest."

"I- ugh, fine... how exactly are we splitting up?"

"We each go in different directions, it'll speed up the process. And if you do see one of... them, DON'T engage in any kind of conflict of ANY kind. Run and find us, then we get out of here as fast as possible." Daddy Dearest stated and everyone nodded.

"Sounds like a plan!" Senpai agreed and they all went their seperate ways.

     Senpai decided to check the basement of the building, it had an emergency exit so it wouldn't be hard to escape if he did run into one of the corruptted people. Senpai hummed quietly as he looked around, there didn't seem to be anyone nearby. He even went as far as to check inside of the boxes, and all he found were canned goods and twinkies. I'll have to tell the others about the food down here..! Senpai concluded as he turned to go back upstairs.

     He quickly stopped as he saw something horrifying: a person, covered in black and pink goop and chains on him, wielding a gun and a creepy grin. It was the same person from earlier, and Senpai panicked. He felt his disguise slowly form as he dashed for the emergency exit, only to find that, to his horror, it was jammed shut.

"Open open open!" Senpai shouted as he pulled harder, only for the doorknob to fall off of the door.

     He was trapped, doomed for sure if he didn't do anything. That was when an idea came into his head, it was risky but if it didn't work then his disguise wouldn't be a disguise for much longer. He turned around to face the corruptted individual, disguise fully on as he gulped.

"Wait!" Senpai called out, and the person stopped. Said person was still extremely close, it was worrying.

"I... I'm one of you! See?" Senpai gestured to his body as he spoke, and the creature stood there blankly.

"So... Uhh... You can go, the other people are... On the other side of town!" It was a terrible lie, he knew that, but it was all or nothing at this point. The creature stepped closer, and... pointed at his backpack..?

"Uhh- this? I mean, sure you can look!"

     Senpai was confused as he handed the backpack to the strange individual, praying that he didn't actually have anything important in it. The person searched for a bit, but in the end came out empty handed.

"Wh... what exactly were you searching for?" Senpai asked as the creature gave him his backpack back.

"Your missing something important, leader."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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