Chapter 7: Secrets

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     The walk was far, the location was pretty far to travel on foot (or fly as some of the people could do that). Most of the people decided to stick in their respective groups, with the exceptions being Daddy Dearest and Spirit, Spirit having gone up to talk with Sarv and Ruv while Daddy Dearest joined a random group quietly. This, of course, left Senpai and Zardy alone in a pair, much to the boy's discomfort. The scarecrow seemed to notice this, going up closer to Senpai and tapping his shoulder.

"Something wrong?" He asked and the ai shook his head.

"No, I'm just no used to being away from Spirit, it's a little scary honestly..!"

"So you know him then." Zardy clarified and Senpai shook his head.


"Tell me... you got any clue why he got locked in the dating sim?"

"How do you even know that he got locked in there??"

"He shouted it earlier, when he was arguing and throwing chairs."

"Oh, right... Well, no, I don't know... Why?"

"Had a feeling as much. I'm fairly certain that everyone here's hiding a secret of some kind. That is, almost everyone."

"What makes you say that..?"

"That guy you've been hanging out with, not Spirit, he trapped Spirit in the dating sim, right?"


"Then how come he hasn't even attempted to stop the corruption?" Zardy spoke suddenly, catching Senpai off guard.

"What? What makes you think he can-"

"Senpai, it takes a lot of energy and magic to trap someone inside a fictional world. So that man is clearly hiding some reason for not stopping all of this."

"Well, yes but-"

"And Spirit, your 'friend'. He claims to be innocent yet there had to be some reason for him to get locked up, right?"

"Zardy, what are you getting at here..?"

"I'm saying that I know your type, your the kind of person to blab about any and everything. But you can't tell anyone about that disguise or else they will kill you."

"I- what makes you say that? I mean, all I'd have to do is explain that-"

"No, they won't listen. Think about it logically, why would you randomly have a disguise? After having been outside, where the other corruptted people are? I'm saying this for your safety, not mine."

"Your right... I won't tell anyone, but... Zardy... How can I trust you..?"

"...You don't really have a choice now, do you? I already know about your secret. Besides, I haven't told anyone."

"...Right. Geez, I feel tired already..!" Senpai suddenly huffed out, he wasn't used to doing so much walking on his own.

"Try walking slower, that helps."

"But then I'll fall behind..!"

"Fair enough, I suppose. I can't exactly help much then."

"R... Right... I'll just, keep going..!"

"That's more like it. If you hurry maybe we can make it to somewhere safe before nighttime."

     Senpai panted as he rushed to catch up with the others, Zardy chuckling as he followed. God I hope we can make it somewhere safe soon..! Senpai prayed as he sped up, now nearing the front of the gang.

     He tried to push the thought of his disguise potentially revealing itself as he decided to talk to Spirit for a bit, it was random banter but right now they needed it... Daddy Dearest watched from afar, jealousy evident as he saw Senpai and Spirit talk.

A/N: I promise I didn't forget this fanfic I just keep starting new fanfics-

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