Chapter 3: Deadly Encounter

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     The three had left half an hour ago, and around 10 minutes in was when Senpai started complaining. "Are we there yet?"

"No, it's an hour long walk."

"But my legs hurt..!"

"We've only been walking for like, 10 minutes."

"I'm not used to walking this much..!"

"Get used to it, we aren't stopping."

     The town however, looked like it had been absolutely destroyed. Buildings were on fire, places were in shambles. They were lucky that Daddy Dearest's house remained standing, and perfectly fine at that.

"Senpai, if you even think about slowing down I will kill you again."

"You don't mean that... Do you?"

     He didn't, but if it got Senpai moving then he'd tell a lie or two.

"Sure, whatever just get moving already..!"

     Senpai quickened his pace, and the three were off again. Until they heard footsteps that weren't theirs.

"Quickly, behind that car!" The three rushed to hide as they peeked around to see who was there.

     The person in question was pure black, with pink eyes. They looked like they had chains on them, and were holding a gun.

"What the actual fuck is that?" Spirit whispered.

"That's the enemy. One of the bitches that took my family."

"No no, not that. Why the hell do... they look like that?"

"They've been corrupted, it's some sorta virus or disease, they're being mind controlled... I think."

"You didn't tell me we were going up against fucking zombies..!"

"Ok so I forgot to mention that, whatever."

     The two got silent again, they knew fighting wasn't going to help. They were going to sneak around when they noticed Senpai was missing.

"Where the hell did-"

"Hey there! Me and some friends need help with finding a location, any chance you can help?"

     Senpai must've saw the guy and, instead of hiding like they said, went up to him. Which means he heard not a word about them being corrupted. He was talking to the corrupted person, or at least attempting to.

"We're gonna have to go without it, it screwed itself over." Daddy Dearest said bluntly.

"What- No! Like hell are we going to abondon him, weren't you the same guy who was saying the more the merrier!?"

"I was, but it's clear to me now that Senpai's a total dumbass."

"Whatever, I'm going to save him, and you're going to help me. I said he comes with, and I meant that."

"Ugh... Fine, whatever fuck you too! If we die here it's your fault!" And with that the two were off to stop Senpai from blabbering too much.

"You're awfully quiet, huh? It's just, I'm not from around here, and, you know... I just need directions, I forgot where we were supposed to go- but I can always ask!"

     Meanwhile, the 'person' in question was slowly getting closer, and just as he was about to grab Senpai, a rock was thrown at him. Spirit quickly grabbed Senpai and the three were off, and the corrupted being chased after them.

"Shit, that guy's fast- Senpai what the hell was that!?" Spirit yelled, as the three ran down the street.

"I-I dunno, I thought he was friendly, so I decided-"

"You thought someone holding a GUN with a FUCKING EVIL SMILE was FRIENDLY!?!?" Daddy dearest hollered.

"Well, I mean I-I've met you guys, and... You guys are friendly..!"

"Ok, new rule, anyone pink and black is evil and needs to be AVOIDED UNLESS we say otherwise! Got it?"

"Ok, but... Can you stop dragging me? I think I can run-"

"There's no way I'm letting you run on your own, you couldn't even walk for 10 minutes let alone outrun that guy."

     They turned a corner and were greeted with a dead end.

"Shit... We're fucked!" Daddy Dearest exclaimed.

"Maybe there's a secret room? Like the one in the library of the game?" Senpai then checked for a hidden lever or anything of the sort

"This isn't a videogame damn it, we need to find another way out of here before he catches up to us..! I can, maybe fly us out from above, but I'm not that strong and-"

     Suddenly they were pulled through the area where the alleyway wall was, the 'wall' shutting, and just like that they were saved.

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