Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Adallion gaped at the scene before her. The devil creature looked even more horrid now, with the glowing arrow stuck deep in it's chest. The creature roared tensely enough to make the trees shiver, and Adallion gasped once again, as the roar vibrated her heart. 

The creature pounced over her lying body, charging towards the direction from whist the arrow appeared. Even with the arrow lodged in it's heart, no damage seemed to be done. 

Adallion propped herself back on her hands and knees, and watched as the creature swooped upon the shadowy figure. The shadowy figure, Adallion realized, whom saved her life. She could do nothing but gawk as the figure pulled out a gleaming dagger, and slashed wildly at the beast. 

Adallion, thankfully, got to her feet. But there was nothing she could do, as the scene before her materialized, and as horror dawned upon her. 

The beast was winning. The devil creature had raised a mangled claw, and whipped the shadowed figure against an old oak. 

The figure continued fighting, and fiercely at that. He wasn't going to let any beast overcome him. 

Come on, think. Think. Think! Adallion frantically searched for something to attack the beast with. Something rather effective. Then it hit her. 

Dagger! Adallion quickly unsheathed the dagger from beneath her skirts. Her hands were shaking rather profusely, and she bit her lip enough to taste blood to prevent the whimper that would escape her. 

That's when Adallion rushed to the battle between beast and man, and took a firm grip upon the dagger. Then, she stabbed it. 

It was rather difficult to deduce together a place to stab the devil creature. It had been moving and pouncing in the fight, and Adallion knew she couldn't order it to sit still! 

So she, herself, pounced on the creature with a small grunt of struggle. The dagger entered the creature's body rather easily, and Adallion made the move to pull it out. 


The devil creature whipped her with it's claw, and Adallion was sent flying backwards into a tree. She cried out in severe pain as the tree made contact with the back of her head, and stars blurred her vision. Adallion's fear was suddenly replaced with a wave of nausea. 

But another miracle occurred, another one much too perfect to be true. The beast scampered away, whining and limping as if frightened by Adallion's sudden ferocity. 

Almost immediatly, the occasional chirps of the forest continued, as if nothing had ever happened. The peace resumed, but Adallion's nuasea worsened. 

She was oblivious to the very fact that the shadowy figure had pushed himself to his feet, and limped hesitantly towards Adallion's pained body. 

Adallion, through her pain and blurry vision, observed the figure standing before her. It was masculine, and slim. Rather tall, but that was probably because Adallion was lying upon the ground. 

She could not see his face, for it was hidden behind the shadows of his hood. All she could make out was the outline of his nose and lips. 

The man bore a large, black cloak that covered his entire body, with a sheath of arrows attached to his back, and in his left hand, a beautifully carved longbow. He looked dangerous, and oddly frightening. 

Slowly, she drifted off into unconciousness... 


He stared at the beautiful young girl before him, rather delicate and vulnerable. Whatever reason she's ventured into the forest, it must be a damn good reason. 

She had saved his life. When he was attempting to ward off the devil creature with nothing but a strong fist, she had jumped in and stabbed the creature. Yes, she was a girl. A very brave, naive girl. 

The man noted the trickle of dark blood running down the girl's forehead. She had quite the attractive features, with beautiful cheek bones and a strong outlined jaw. Her small nose perfectly blend with her face, which was a beautiful shade of sun kissed skin. 

She looked much too young to be married, for she was probably fifteen of age. The childish fullness of her cheeks have not yet vanished, and her eyebrows beautifully thick.

She was quite lovely, and her lips were a pleasant thing to look at. The man punched himself internally for thinking such things. He couldn't... he just couldn't - 

She was an angel.

He was a man of many faults. His past forever haunts him; it has turned him to stone long ago, and he vowed to never fall into that darkness ever again. 

He was a murderer. 

The girl's eyes were slightly closed, and the man bent down slowly, and gingerly placed a hand on her cheek, lifting her face towards him. 

She was now fully unconscious, and it pained him to see such a beautiful girl in pain. Once again, he found himself staring at her perfect plump lips, which were a gorgeous shade of red. 

He couldn't just leave her here, but if he took her with him, the hellish Vodecavs would find out. 

But if he left her here... 

Slowly and carefully, the man lifted the beautiful angel off the ground. He carried her to his horse, Vieca, whom was waiting behind the bushes for his signal. 

She was rather light, and not difficult to uphold. He found himself once more staring at her lips - he couldn't help it - and realized they were turning slightly pale. 

The majestic black stallion of towering height, gracefully danced out of the bushes to where the man was standing. Gently and rather effortlessly, he lifted the girl onto Vieca, and mounted the horse. 

The man pulled the reins of Vieca, and directed back towards the area he had first seen her running, where that horrid beast was stalking her. 

He felt an odd ache at the back of his cemented heart. The need to pull the girl close and comfort her, even if she was unconscious. He waved it off as a reaction to seeing a lovely maiden, and continued on Eastward. 

When he had reached a tree that seemed satisfying enough, he gently removed the limp body of the girl  off the horse, and rested her upon the tree. 

She looked almost peaceful as he carefully scraped at the blood on her forhead, retrieved a bottle of waterskin from his pack, and cleansed the forehead until the blood was gone. 

Her skin was so soft. 

He cautiously took an old dagger out of his pack, for the one that the girl had stabbed the beast with is long gone. He rested the dagger in the girl's hand, and slowly wrapped her delicate fingers around it. 

She'd need it when she woke up and, hopefully, will be able to find her way through the forest and to her home. 

The man sighed deeply. In pain, in contempt. She should be safe...

But he would have to wipe her scent off of him. The Vodecavs weren't animals, but they sure seemed like so. If they caught any scent of the girl on him... 

He didn't even want to think of the horrors. 



So what'd you think about that?? I finally figured out a different name than "Dark Riders" and changed it to Vodecav. Not bad, right? :D Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter!!!

Thanks for reading! The next chapter will be up shortly!! :)


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