Chapter 4

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Luther's POV

I honestly expect to be bored but it was cool. The last ones were amazing.

"now for the 18 plus duo dance division  Muly Matthews and Luna Clark."

Wait what?

"Isn't she just about to start her senior year in a month? How is she 18 plus?" I whisper to mrs. Clark. Daisy was on the other side of me but she was mad about what happened before.

There is no way in hell i will talk to her. She will bite my head off.

"She was so tiny at 5 and we wanted to keep her a little longer so she started school the year after. She hates it but she just turned 2 months ago"

I nod

She is in a green dress, she looks so delicate

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She is in a green dress, she looks so delicate. The music starts but it's not soft like the others. She was looking at a guy in front of us and smiling like crazy.


The dance was almost over when she saw us. We made eye contact. She keep dancing but for me the rest of the world faded away.

She never takes her eyes off of me. The music stops and they all clap so i do too. I see Daisy isn't even looking at the stage.


"And in first place Muly Mathews and Luna Clark!" Her friend pulls her. She is shocked that's adorable.

The lady with the microphone pulls her back when she was leaving "Luna Clark is also our best dancer of night!!"

We all clap, Tom and i whistle laughing.

She gets down from the stage and runs right into her boyfriends arms "muy bien bailarina!!!" He said that in Spanish, i don't know what it means.


Tom and Ashlyn, Daisy and i all got on his truck. Luna got in her boyfriend's very expensive car.

Daisy is still mad. When we got to the restaurant i open the back door for her but she got out the other way.

Daisy is practically flirting with Lunas boyfriend. He clearly isn't interested. She was trying to make me jealous. She dose that when she is mad.

"So where did you two meet?"Daisy asked.

He looks at Luna smirking and she blushes. "At my mom's dance school" He shrugs.

There is clearly more to the story

"Who is your mom?" Daisy asked playing with her hair and giving him fuck me eyes.

"Darling Nightingale"

Her face drops. She turns to her mom looking hurt. "You told me i couldn't go to the nightingale dance academy with my friends because it was to expensive." She said barely above a whisper.

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