Chapter 17

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Luna's POV

Daisy looks like a fairytale princess in her wedding dress. It was time for Luther to say I DO and he looks at me. Im so tempted to take his hand and run away but that's not what's important. Him being happy it's what's important. And he loves Daisy, so i won't stop him.

He looks so handsome.

"mr. Batanda?" The judge questions following Luther's line of vision and looking at me.

I smile at Luther even though I feel like I'm gonna throw up and he turns back to Daisy "I do"

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I smile at Luther even though I feel like I'm gonna throw up and he turns back to Daisy "I do"

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!!" Daisy immediately pulls him to her for a kiss. I look down and get up with everyone else clapping.

They walk out smiling and we all cheer.

We make our way to the reception. Instead of going to the kids table i immediately go to the bathroom. I can't cry but i can't breathe either.

I have never felt so horrible, my stomach is in knots and I'm not allowed to break down.

I walk in and almost hit a woman. "Oh shit im so so sorry, oh fuck i said shit" i cover my mouth in horror "i said fuck, im so sorry please don't tell Daisy." The woman starts to laugh.

She looks important so i thought she was going to eat me alive like Daisy's other rich guests. "Im really sorry" i repeat and she waves her hands around.

"you didn't even hit me and if it makes you feel better, shit fuck. There now we're even." I smile nodding. She is pretty funny.

She steps aside "you can walk in you know" i nod and walk past her. "Right sorry"

She follows me back inside " you know you do apologize a lot." I put my bag on the counter "nervous habit I guess" I turn to her "im sorry for swearing in front of you, if Daisy finds wouldn't be pretty." I shrug and she smiles.

"don't worry about it, we all do it and I thought it was pretty funny. People here like to pretend they're something their not so I'm glad that I bumped into somebody real. Im Katherine Batanda by the way" she stretches her hand out.

 Im Katherine Batanda by the way" she stretches her hand out

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Katherine that's Luther's mom's name. He talks about her a lot, he's kind of a mama's boy.

I shake her hand "Luna Clark, Nice to meet you Mrs. Batanda."she points to my face. "I can kind of see the  resemblance on the outside at least, what are you to Daisy, her cousin?" I shake my head.

"Sister, mrs. Batanda"

She made the same face that Luther did when he found out. "You didn't know she had a sister either" I laugh.

"No i didn't and please call me Kathy. I will leave so you can use the restroom but i will see you outside. I want you to meet someone." I nod and she walks out with a smile. I look at myself in the mirror and really look at myself.

I feel so drained from all of this.

Kathy, Luther is a lot like her. I wonder if their kids are going to be like Daisy or Luther. I hope Daisy let's her boy's grow their hair like Luther wants. His descendants are from Honolulu and they all have long hair.

But most of all i hope she makes him happy because just knowing that he is would make me happy.

I take a deep breath grabbing my purse and walk out.

Luther and Daisy were doing their first dance to the song Perfect. I walk to mama pretending to be happy. She hugs me crying. I look up and made eye contact with Luther.

We don't break it until the dance is over. It reminds me of my dance competition i felt safe under his gaze, now i just feel lonely.

I have breakfast in my apartment now and without him mornings aren't the same. It's my fault for getting used to something that was only temporary.

We were both completely honest with each other since the beginning and it's our fault for getting feelings knowing exactly how all this would end.

Mama pulls me to Daisy "Congratulations Daisy." I whisper not able to meet her eyes.

"thanks" mrs. Batanda takes my hand. "Luna come meet Nany that's one of Luther's cousins" Daisy looks confused.


"Luna how old are you?" Mrs. Batanda ask still walking. "18 ma'am" we stopped in front of a girl that looks my age.

"Call me Kathy Damn it, i heard you curse like a sailor remember so don't listen listen to that sister of yours." She hugs the girl with long brown hair. "this is Nany, she is 20 and this is Luna 18 and Daisy's sister. Nany is the little sister Luther always wanted." They laugh.

Luther it's an only child that's why he wants 3 or more kids. He talks a lot about his cousins and I can tell that he loves them very much.

Nany looks at Kathy and Kathy smiles "don't worry this one is nothing like her sister, i get a good feeling from this one." Nany smiles.

I stretch my hand but she pulls it, pulling me into a hug "sorry im a hugger" i nod.

"It's okay i a" i was interrupted "Luna your mom is looking for you." I don't even have to turn around to know it's Luther. "Hi Nany" he hugs her and i start to walk away, I can't be next to him.

"You don't know where your mom is" Luther said behind me, following close by. I sigh and stop walking.

I turn to him "lead the way mr. Batanda." He nods and walks pass me. "you look beautiful today, you always do." he said over his shoulder.

"Please don't. We only have today to get through and then you are gone. Daisy doesn't visit and i will be gone in 8 months to college." I see my mom and walk past him to her.

He grabs my hand. "I need you to know one thing before I go. This wasn't just fun for me, it meant something to me and i will always remember it as a magical time in my life."

I nod looking at the ground "it was special for me too. Goodbye Mr. Batanda." I take my hand away and bow. I look up at him with a small smile and walk to my mom.

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