Chapter 20

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Luna's POV

Daisy went to bed early because she is going back to New York tomorrow morning. Papa told mama that we wanted to tell her something but we have been seating in complete silence for 15 minutes.

"miracle you have to tell her." Papa encourages but im scare to death of her reaction. Mama smiles looking between us.

I take her hand "mama i-im" i look at papa and he nods "i got, well i meet someone and he is long gone now but i love him and i-im pregnant" she pulls her hand back.

She gets off the couch shaking her head in disbelief "NO! You are not." I nod looking down. Papa holds mamas shoulder. "Damn it Luna. You are in high school .What the hell are you going to do now? Huh"

"Ash calm down" papa makes her sit down. "Take a breath and just listen okay." Mama nods.

I sigh "mama i told the dad last week and he doesn't want anything to do with this baby so i made all the plans and decisions by myself." She slowly nods.

"Well the first one i had to make was if i was going to keep the baby. I-i can't have an abortion and i can't stand the idea that someone else raising my baby. Im keeping my baby"

Mom shakes her head "miracle that is a huge responsibility."

I nod "i know but i know i can do it because im not one to give up. Having a baby is also expensive so i am getting my GED so i can work."

Papa gets up "out of the question Luna. We can take care of the expenses."

"No this is my baby and as of a week ago mine alone so i will provide for him or her. I know this guy at the surf shop that wants to hire me. I would be selling because i can't be around the chemicals to make them but maybe after i give birth i can."

Mama smiles and pulls me into a hug "you have always been so responsible and mature. If anyone can do this you can and i get to be a grandmama!!!!" She squeals and we all laugh.

If you only knew.


"Okay so the mansion is full on worksite right now so i will be back in 6 months. This time with my husband to see how everything is going" Daisy said at breakfast and her phone rings.

So he will be here when im 9 months pregnant and ready to give birth. I don't want to see him and pretend that everything is okay.

"Hey babe" Daisy said into the phone and i look down. "Yes i am coming today"

Shit morning sickness.

I look at papa and he nods. I try to sped walk with out getting her attention. 3 months pregnant and i feel like death every time i puke. The stress doesn't help at all.

I walk back to the dining room. "Because he is obsess with us having a kid and im ovulating so he wants me home. I have to go before i miss my plane."

Of course he is trying to have a kid with his wife. "I have to go to school papa, mama. Have a safe flight Daisy." I walk out so they don't see me cry.

You have to focus Luna. I rub my stomach "it's just us but for what it's worth, you are most definitely a baby made out of love." At least from me.


I walk into the school office "hi can i please have a GED pamphlet?" The secretary nods and hands me one.

"And what's that for?" I turn around to look at Muly. "Well" i take her hand and pull her out to the parking lot.

"Why are you leaving school?" Muly takes the pamphlet and reads through it.

"Muly im pregnant." She smiles and it drops when she sees im serious. "Holly shit Luna. How far along?"

"Don't freak out okay, 3 months" she drops the pamphlet and i pick it up. Muly covers her mouth "fucking hell Luna that's Luther's baby!" I cover her mouth.

"Don't yell Jesus" she nods and i slowly let go of her. "Yes but you're the only one that knows besides him that his the dad."

"Shit he knows? What did he say" i lean against my truck "that he doesn't care, that he isn't giving me money and to not call him." I cry and Muly hugs me.

"Then he isn't the guy i thought he was. He treated you like a princess Luna i don't understand." I clean my face when she steps back.

"Well i guess it was a lie and im just the stupid little girl that believed him. Maybe it all changed after the wedding but i don't need him for this. I got my parents and i got you so im fine."

She smiles and nods "so you're keeping the baby?" I nod and she squeals "i can't wait to be the crazy aunt. Ohhhh i can do her hair and buy her some of those cute little dresses or if it's a boy i can get him one of those cute baby tuxedos awwwww."

"Well im waiting until 18 weeks to find out because i wanted to tell you and my parents first and it's to early to tell at 12 weeks."

"I hope it's a mini Luna so i can dress her up like a doll" Muly claps.

We both laugh. She is absolutely nuts and i love her for it. I can never be sad around her. She lifts my shirt "awwwww you have the tiniest little bump it's soooo cute" i laugh "well it is just 3 months."


At 18 weeks

I didn't want to be alone so mama and Muly came with me. "Okay miss Clark are you ready to find out what you are having?"

"No" Muly said

"Yes" i said

"No!" Mama yells.

"Why not i want to know" i complain. "Could you write it down for us. We are doing a gender reveal" Muly tells my Doctor.

I raise my eyebrow "we are?" Mama nods "we are now shush"

I put my hands up in surrender. "Would you like two pictures or just one?" The Doctor asks writing down the gender. "Two and a USV please." I look down.

"Okay then, i will be right back" she walks out of the room.

I have been taking pictures and recording everything. I just want to make everything last. I am nervous, super nervous actually but it's my first baby and I can't help but be excited.

I can do this.

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