Chapter 22

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Luna's POV

I walk around the store with my car full of baby things. I already have all of the important things i need. Papa insisted on him building the crib and im just buying clothes and cute little things for around the room.

My apartment is a one bedroom so we will be sharing which I actually like because the closer i am to my baby the better anyway

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My apartment is a one bedroom so we will be sharing which I actually like because the closer i am to my baby the better anyway.

"Well the rumors ARE true. I just thought your parents got tired of paying for your talentless ass to dance around embarrassing yourself." Elizabeth Nightingale laughs turning her nose up at me, looking at me with disgust.

I rub my 7 months belly "im just surprised someone would actually want to have sex with you."

Your brother did.

"Elizabeth I'm so sorry that you are so miserable with your life that you have to make everyone else around you miserable too. I'm happy with my life, it's not my fault you aren't with yours." I shrug and walk away.

I will never let anyone shame me for my baby. I work hard and studied harder for my GED. Im going to be a great mom and they all can shove it.


Muly and mama are making me do a pregnancy photo shoot by the ocean. They hired a photographer that has me doing all kinds of poses for at least 2 hours now.

"Okay now stand to the side and hold your belly" the photographer points at the water.

I nod smiling but it quickly fades

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I nod smiling but it quickly fades. He should be here, this all feels wrong without him. Other women have the baby's father holding and kissing their bellies and im here alone.

I shouldn't be alone but i have to. I have to do this and when my baby laughs, says the first word or takes the first steps i can't look next to me and share that moment because no one is going to be standing there.

Muly pulls me out of the water "hey hey why are you crying?" I touch my face and it was wet. I didn't even notice that I was crying.

I shrug "i don't know, this stupid hormones are making me crazy. Can we please stop? I think we have more than enough. Im just really tired" I try to clean the tears but they are quickly replaced by new ones.

Muly nods and mana walks to us "sure, don't worry about it." I nod and walk to our stuff so i can change.

Most days are fine and i can take on the world but there are small moments that i wish Luther was here to live them with me.

The first time I heard the baby's heartbeat, the gender reveal, remodeling the room, the first time our baby moved, now and the birth because i am so scare to give birth.

Mama hugs me "are you sure you are OK, miracle?" I sniff and nod "im sure mama. Your grandkid is turning me into a crybaby." I smile making her laugh.

"Let's go home and you can have strawberries then" mama rubs my back. "Hmmmm" i moan. My kid definitely loves strawberries.

2 months later

I have been hiding in my apartment all day because today is the day Daisy and Luther are coming. They were supposed to come last week but for some reason they didn't so they are coming today.


Is he going to pretend i don't exist? What if he thinks im lying about who the dad is? Does he really think that i want his money?

I can't see him!!! Yesterday i cried during a family commercial. How am i supposed to see him and pretend that everything is okay?

What am i supposed to do when i see Daisy and what if they are having a kid too. Their children get to have both parents washing them grow up.

What we did was wrong and now im paying for it.

Papa walks into my room "hey i know you are hiding from your sister but she will eventually find out that you are pregnant anyway." He laughs touching my belly.

"Im not ready for them to find out" i shake my head taking a step back. "Well it's just your sister and everyone else already knows so what's the big deal?"

Just Daisy?

Luther didn't come!

He is avoiding me because he doesn't want to see me or the baby. Im mad that he is such a coward but im to happy to care.

The longer he stays away then longer i will go without seen him. I can just keep pretending he doesn't exist like he does with our baby.

"Fine" i smile and take papas hand because it's hard going down the stairs now that my due date is only 2 weeks away.

We walk into the house to see mama and Daisy laughing. That doesn't actually happen very often so we don't interrupt and just look at them from the background.

Daisy doesn't look pregnant. She is her normal fabulous self. She sees me and does a double take. "Your Pregnant" she points and laughs just like Elizabeth did at the store months ago.

I nod "yep i give birth in two weeks" i smile and papa puts his arm around me for support.

Daisy looks at our parents "and you are fine with this" they nod "are you fucking kidding me?! If i did that at 18 you guys would have killed me!!" She yells turning red.

Mama walks to me "Daisy don't yell. It's not good for the baby. If this was you we would've been just as supportive. She needs us because she is doing this alone."

Daisy shakes her head "so what Gabriel knock you up and left so now we have to pretend this is okay" they all look at me.

"Luna is Gabriel the dad?" Papa asks.

I immediately shake my head "what no! Of course not! Gabriel can't even have kids anymore." Mama nod. I won't tell them who the dad is but i won't lie either.

"Wait so who's the dad?" Daisy asks clearly confuse. I take a deep breath "the father of my baby is not important. I will be doing this on my own so it doesn't matter."

Daisy rolls her eyes "whatever so what is it a girl or a boy?" I smile "oh it's a....."

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