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Hongjoong was falling asleep in his first class of the day. He had literature, which he only chose to help with his lyrical writing. But his slight slumber was rudely interrupted by a smack on the back of his head. He looked to the side of him to spy a smirking Yeosang taking a seat. "What's got you so sleepy? Lover keeping you up at night?"

Hongjoong laughed sarcastically before rolling his eyes overdramatically, "He's not my lover," He said matter-of-factually, "In fact I haven't spoken to him since Saturday."

"Couple problems?" Yeosang snickered.

"I will kill you." Hongjoong glared at him heavily.

"Calm down, Joongie. I'm only kidding." Obviously the older knew that, but when it came to joking about his supposed marriage, he hated it.

"Why are you even here?"

Yeosang sat back, his arms swung around the back on his head, "I go to school here."

It's true he did, but he didn't need to. When Hongjoong first joined the university, His father had tasked Yeosang as his personal spy secretly. It was Yeosang's specialty. He can sneak into any place without being seen and he can move impossibly silently wherever he goes, which is why it took Hongjoong a good 6 months before he even realized he was being watched. Then Yeosang just decided to stick around.

"Don't you have anything better to do other than bother me? Where is Wooyoung and Yunho?"

"With your father, he's been keeping us all busy since the wedding."

Hongjoong looked at his friend seemingly confused, "Why? Has something happened?"

Without looking at him, Yeosang replied, "It's mainly for your protection, hence why I'm here, and taking extra measures to keep you safe."

Without the words even being spoken, Hongjoong knew this wasn't going to be in his favor. Yeosang didn't come here to look out for him, it's to deliver news. "For crying out loud." Rubbing his eyes as he squeezed them shut, "What does he need me to do?"

"Be a good husband."

Hongjoong grimaced, "I don't understand."

That was when Yeosang finally faced him fully, "Eyes are on you everywhere you go. This alliance was to scare the culprit away, knowing you have someone such as Park Seonghwa by your side. It tells them that the Kims and Parks have aligned, meaning they've become the strongest mafia in Korea. It would be suicide to mess with you then. But Your father seems to believe they won't trust the union is real unless shown publicly."

"He's delusional. We don't even know specifically whom it is that's out to kill me. It's been 3 years, surely they would have attacked already."

Yeosang ruffled Hongjoong's curly hair, "You did something admirable to that gang, little Joongie. Someone is bound to want revenge." It was at that moment that the professor came into the lecture hall. Yeosang sat back again and cracked his knuckles, "We just don't know exactly who right now, but we will, don't worry." He leaned in closer to the elder's ear, "I'm sure your father will give you permission to do whatever you want with them when they're bound by us."

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