Twenty one

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Hongjoong set the basket of strawberries on the kitchen counter and rubbed his face as stress consumed him, instantly whimpering because of his injuries. His face looked battered.

Seonghwa stepped closer and removed the boy's hands away from his face by grabbing his wrist, keeping his grip tight. "You're going to hurt yourself. Stop." Eventually releasing the younger, he sighed. "You're gonna end up black and blue all over if you carry on like this."

Hongjoong unconsciously retraced Seonghwa's previous touch on his skin with the pad of his middle finger. "I should call San, he can help get the glass out."

"You don't need him." Seonghwa retorted instantly. "I can do it."

"San is a doctor, I would rather it be him." Hongjoong's replied, but Seonghwa ignored him, already fetching the first aid kit.

Trotting back to the younger with stubborn steps, he pushed Hongjoong onto the stool gently and took the one opposite him for himself. "I've watched him do this multiple times. You'll be fine." He spoke as he unzipped the kit. "And I'd rather not have front row seats to another make out sesh." Those words were released bitterly.

A snicker escaped Hongjoong's bruised lips. "Anyone would think you're jealous, Park Seonghwa."

Said man glared at him. "Shut up."

Yet he didn't deny it, and that played on Hongjoong's mind. "Don't worry. There's nothing between us. It was simply a mistake."

"Good." Seonghwa muttered under his breath, but made sure Hongjoong heard him. A smirk hiding behind his mask.

Hongjoong chose to ignore it and instead decided to watch as Seonghwa concentrated trying to patch up his injuries.

Eventually, they were done. Hongjoong leaned his cheek lightly on his hand as he stared at the basket of fresh strawberries while Seonghwa packed everything away.

He went to reach for one, bringing it close to his lips before Seonghwa slapped it away. Hongjoong looked up at him with wide eyes. "What did you do that for?"

"You never know what's in them. For all we know they could be riddled with poison." He was concerned and Hongjoong could see that in his eyes.


"Go have a shower."

"What about our date?" Hongjoong was kinda devastated.

A smile, an actual smile slithered itself onto Seonghwa's mouth. "Rain check."

"Oh okay."


Yeosang's head was spinning, prompted by the large amount of alcohol in his system. He went to a club with Yunho but the older left early so he was left alone with his mind and free drinks from strangers, which he couldn't refuse.

Walking the dark streets alone, stumbling into walls and strangers, even lampposts, Yeosang was trying to find a taxi driving by to hitch a ride off. His phone was dead, he was cold and he hadn't a clue where he was. He cursed Yunho for leaving him. Though he couldn't blame him, he knew he'd gone to meet Mingi.

Coming into sight was the store light from a local shop. Yeosang's stomach rumbled at the thought of munchies.

He stepped inside, sobriety far from mind and receiving weird looks from the cashier. Yeosang took no notice as he began grabbing food such as crisps, chocolate and cake slices.

Dropping the items onto the counter, he brought his wallet from his back pocket and paid with his card. He took the black plastic bag while saying a slurred thank you to the teenager working behind the till.

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