Twenty two

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Hongjoong was packing his laptop into its case in the kitchen when Seonghwa walked in. He spotted Yeosang sprawled across the sofa, hand on head as if he had aching. "What's up with him?" He questioned.

Without looking away from his task, Hongjoong answered, "he's hanging."

"Rough." Seonghwa trotted over to the coffee machine. "Where you off to?"

"School. It's a Wednesday." Hongjoong replied as if it was obvious.

"You sure that's safe?" Seonghwa worried.

"No." Was the younger's reply. "But I can't skip lectures over stupid threats."

Seonghwa abandoned the steaming machine, walked around the counter to face his defying husband "these threats aren't stupid."

Hongjoong turned around to face him, holding his bag in his fingers. "Stop being dramatic."

Seonghwa eyebrows twisted, pulling his lips into a frown. "You could lose ur life, Hongjoong. Or worse, I could lose mine."

Hongjoong pushed the older slightly away. "I have to go."

Stopping the blonde in his tracks, Seonghwa planted his hands on the counter either side of the younger, trapping him. "Don't make me repeat myself. You're staying here."

"No. I'm. Not." Hongjoong argued. "You may not care but my education is important to me."

Seonghwa leaned back from the counter and crossed his arms. "If that's the case then I'm coming with you."

"Drop it." Hongjoong was getting irritated. "Yeosang will be with me the whole time." He gestures towards the said man.

Seonghwa did the same. "Him?" Yeosang was still lying down, hand over his eyes, groaning as his headache got the best of him. "He might even be the reason u get killed."

Yeosang was too bothered in his own regrets to even care about the insults running his way.

Hongjoong groaned. "Since when did u even care!"

"I don't know?, okay!" Seonghwa shouted back, almost getting a reaction out of Yeosang too. Almost. Whereas Hongjoong crossed his arms; feeling uneasy, unable to fester up and respond. Seonghwa sighed, attempting to rub the stress lines from his face. "I don't know, Hongjoong. All I know is that I haven't got a clue what I'd do if u got hurt. I have this unwanted desire to protect you."

Hongjoong bit his lip in contemplation. "I..." his words got lost at the top of his tounge. He was ultimately speechless at Seonghwa's confession. He didn't believe it at all. "Stop with the act." He walked over to Yeosang, basically dragging him out the door.

Seonghwa slammed his hand on the kitchen counter. "What the fuck is wrong with me?"

You see, his words weren't an act like they're supposed to be.


"What am I doing here?" Hwangwoong sat uncomfortably in Seonghwa's passenger seat.

"Scouting." The other replied.

"At Hongjoongs school?"

Seonghwa shushed the blonde. "I didn't ask u here to be a chatter box."

Hwangwoong sank into the leather seat, sighing outof boredom. "What's the deal anyway?"

Don't get him wrong, Seonghwa had asked himself this same question multiple times already, still yet to grasp the answer. The honest truth? He cared. Although, the black haired man refuses to let that same truth bare any meaning in his head. This marriage was nothing but a mere mission to him. He could handle it. He could. Yes. Of course he could.

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