The Party's Over

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We kind of just found ourselves awkwardly and ungracefully clashing teeth with our fingers messily getting tangled in each other's hair. My gloss all over his lips and the smell of his cigarette smoke all over me. I knew I was not in love but for that one moment he was my sun, and I was a flower fully in bloom.


Nyanya looked down at her phone then up at the street sign one more time. It was bad enough that she was outside the city at night all alone with no car but now google was telling her to walk down a dark alleyway. The warring bells in her head were going off. A shiver went down her spine. She thought about it. If this show was really worth possibly dying on her twenty first birthday. She looked way too good in her bubble gum pink latex dress with puffs that had matching pink ends. Still, it was not the worst way to go. If she died, then she would manifest as a ghost in this dress.

She had gone on a three-month long juice cleanse just to fit into the dress. To only be able to wear it for one night was already pissing her off. If she died tonight, then she could wear it for eternity and those months of sniffing other people's food and wobbliness would be worth it. Plus, she could follow the band as her unfinished business. She thought about the shows she would get see, being able to listen to new songs first and of course finally being able to rank the boys' dick sizes. She would have all the answers and living the dream of every groupie. Well without the actual living part.

She took one more look at her phone and decided that tonight, this dress, and him were worth it. Gripping her oversized black leather jacket, she marched into the ally way. She kept her head down hoping no one noticed her. However hard that is too do with two respectably large puffs, a bubble pink dress, with matching fuzzy wedges and of course being the only black person in a fifty-kilometer radius.

Her pace quickened when she heard a clanging noise, but she made it to the side doors of the bar before she had to deal with whatever or whoever made that noise. She looked at the doors and saw them or specifically him. The lead singer of her favorite band. Her heart starting beating faster than when she was in the alleyway. She was really doing it; she was really here. She could not control the smile or the giggle that was forming.

She walked her way to the front of the bar. She was meet with a line of roughly fifty people. Once again, her heart started to beat. Despite how unsafe this place may have been she was glad she chose this location. Anywhere else and there was no way the band would notice her. Even if she was the only black fan in the crowd. She joined the line at the vary back. Getting looks at she passed the other fans. Most of them being white men in their late 20s. She made no eye contact and just kept walking.

By the time she got at the front the bouncer was looking at her beyond perplexed. She handed her ID and her ticket. The bouncer looked down at the ticket and a little smile formed. "Well, aren't you something" the bouncer said taking her in. He handed her ID and let her through. Not without a warning message "I hope for you sake the boys don't get rowdy like they usually do" he winked at her. A shiver went down her spine for the second time that night.

The inside of the bar was exactly what she imagined it would be like. Dark, brown, with faded and peeling everything. The bar was as run down as the rest of the buildings she passed on her way here. It was a large rectangular room with a chipped counter that served alcohol. To the side of it, close to the entrance were the bathrooms. The peeled leather chairs and chipped tables were pushed into equally run-down booths. At the far back was the stage. From where she stood, she could see that the drummer and base player of the band were already setting up.

She made her way over to the stage, there was still a lot of room as most of the fans were Drinking or snorting something. She was basically at the front. Her chance of meeting him were even better now. She stood about a row away from the stage. If she pushed hard enough and reached out her arm, she would touch him.

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