The Alleyway

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TW&CW: Suicided, death and abuse.

"I want you to save me" Clermont said grabbing his hand and squeezing it. He looked out the window watching the sky turn gray.

"That's a lot to ask of man you barely know, no it's lot to ask of a man that killed his girlfriend."

He let got of her hand.





"Then just fuck me, till the only thing that's left is pain."

-   -   - 

Clermont lived in a city that was know for it's snow. A winter wonderland, that's what it was called. Yet it hadn't snow there in over five years. The city was running out of money without its main attraction. Though for Clermont she barely noticed, she had always lived in the ruff part of the city. Where even the homeless were afraid to closes their eyes. Still, it wasn't all bad, her rent was cheap, and she didn't have to worry about nosy neighbors. This was not the type of neighborhood where you could knock on your neighbor's door and ask for some sugar. It was like she found the one place in the city where things went to be forgotten. She was just waiting any day really for it to finally be her turn.

Though she refused to die without at least having sex first. There was nothing more shameful too her than being 23 and never experienced being kissed. Perhaps that's what lead to her impressively large collection of hentai, erotic books and just about anything else that involved sex and a story. Didn't matter how badly written it was, she seemed to only get off if there was a story involved. She especially loved fatale love stories, in which the female lead was badly treated and ended with the worst guy. The crueler the love interest the more her heart raced.

There was one series in particular that she loved. It was a Buffy the Vampire fanfiction turned into a Japanese manga series. In this series Angle was split into two when he was cursed by the witches. Buffy unknowingly falls in love with both men. Instead of telling sweet angle she wants to die when he kisses her, she tells his evil twin. To which he grants that wish at the end of the series. It was the only time the two shared a romantic scene, but it was Clermont's favourite. Clermont had a general distaste for most of society, but that scene was enough to keep her live. She constantly found herself rereading that scene, usually with a pillow between her legs.

After years of searching for a printed version of the series, she finally found it. Lucky enough a person in her city was selling it. She would have been happy if it was just a Japanese copy but by some miracle the person owned the limited printed English copy. She could barely contain her excitement as she counted down the days till she would buy the books. Everyday for the past week she played with herself thinking about that scene.

Today was no exception, she lay in her bed in a thin white tank top and her underwear around her thighs. She moaned a little as she finished. She pulled her hand away and noticed that it was dry today was well. Clermont was a squirter but if she masturbated too often, she would dry up. She sighed realizing that she had overdone it the last week. Still, she had plans for when she finally had the books in her possession.

She got up and went into the bathroom to shower. Her bathroom like the rest of her life was a mess, but she blocked out all the gross areas and stripped. She put on a shower cap that was too small for tight- dense 4c hair. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her skin was looking dull, and she was peeling around the mouth. None of those things however had her attention. She was fixated on her stomach. She grabbed onto the very little fat that was there and pinched it. She then turned to the side and traced her ribcage, that was on full display.

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